Written by: Scott Westerfeld
Book has: 425 pages
Blog post for Sunday, February 2nd.
The protagonist in the book Uglies by Scott Westerfeld is a girl called Tally. She is about to turn sixteen and is very excited about that. Mostly this is because she will finally turn pretty. In tally's point of view, once you turn sixteen, you turn from an ugly girl to a stunningly pretty one. By this time I think I have met Tally enough to say that she mostly always has her point of view, and is pretty determined in anything she does.I am not sure if she would change herself later. It seems like Tally is sometimes unsure and takes risks. Sometimes it seems like it takes her a longer amount of time to realize and determine what is she looking for, and what is the best choice for her. Once she has and choices a choice, she works really hard to sustain and keep it. Although I am reading the book, I am not so sure who is the antagonist in the story, not yet. The book is very exiting and I think that soon enough I will be able to find out the antagonist.
I read that book a few years ago, its awesome. Small hint: Why do you thing they turn 16 year olds pretty? and who does it? Thats sort of the whole idea of the book, by the end of the third book, the protagonist and antagonists change.