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Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Princess Diaries: Give me Five

Title: The Princess Diaries: Give me Five
Author- Meg Cabot
Pages- 256
The Princess Diaries Give me Five is about Princess Amalia Grenaldi Ronaldo Thormopoilis. Se lives in New York with her pregnant mother Helen Thermopolis who is engaged to Amalia's math teacher Mr. Giannini. All her friends call her Mia. Mia has a best fried Lilly and is dating her brother Michale whom she had a crush on for 8 years. Mia a junior and Michael is a senior which means that he will graduate this year and go to collage. Mia is very clumsy and not very smart. But she does have one special talent that she is still developing. Writing. She hopes to be a writer someday. The senior prom is very close and Michale hasn't asked her yet! Mia is very nervous and seeks advice from her friends but she can not tell Lilly because then Lilly might tell Michael. Besides the prom in a couple of days Mia is turning 15 and she hopes that Micheal will ask her then. She trows a birthday party for her friends. During the party they play a game called, "7 Minutes in Heaven". Michael and Mia get locked in a closet and start talking. Mia brings up prom and Michael tells her that prom is "lame and not the type of thing he would do on a Saturday night". Mia's dreams are crushed but she does not give up and decides that she will convince him to go to prom with her. Later that week the prom is cancelled because of the protests all over the city which are caused by Mia's grandmother who is the Princess of Genovia. Everyone in the school starts hating Mia until her grandmother arranges a prom at the Plaza for Mia and her boyfriend. Mia's worst enemy, Lana Weinburger is in charge of the prom committee and Mia tells her that the prom is back on under only one condition. If Mia's boyfriend Micheal and his band can play at prom. Lana gives up and lets Mia do it her way. Micheal is thrilled because he is always looking for gigs and this is a perfect opportunity. Mia is happy because she gets to go to prom with her boyfriend and have the time of her life! Have a great time Mia!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! seems like a fun book! Is this the book of princess diaries? I saw the movie funny! the book is probably better. But sounds cool!
