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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Title: Born to Run
Author: Michael Morpurgo
Genre: Fiction

Born to run is a story about human cruelty and the way the dogs are sometimes treated. Michael Morpurgo is very well known for his love for animals, and he has written this novel to make people aware of the harm done to dogs by people who use them only to satisfy their needs.

The main character of the book is a greyhound. It is not given a name but called different names by different people who had it. It belongs to the fastest type of dogs, which, therefore, are seen as "born to run." The dog in this story changed several owners: it never had a home. Some of its owners wanted it to race for money which can be dangerous for this breed, because of dog's fragile bodies. The life of the dog, principal character in this story, did not start well: as a small puppy it was almost drowned in a river. Later, when it got older, it was stolen for dog racing. The only friend, a dog, also used for racing, lost it's life while running. The girl who took pity on the dogs, when finding out that one of them was killed, decided to save the dog's life and ran away from her home taking the dog with her.Later, she was separated from the dog by an accident, when it looked as if the luck had turned its back to poor creature again. However, the novel has a happy ending! The dog ends up living with  a man who found it on the street and took him home. 

I find this story very moving and I admire Morpurgo's love for animals. Dogs are supposed to be man's best friends, and it is very sad when heartless people forget it and use them, even risking dogs life, for making profit. I've read most Michael  Morpurgo' novels, and this is definitely one of my favourites.
Some suffer in races and when they can't any more they are killed...
Others are happy until fate befalls them...

1 comment:

  1. I really like your blog post:) I read this book before too and I find it really cool, its kind of sad at the ending thought how the greyhound runs back to his first owners house but the owner bought a new greyhound and doesn't remember him, but the book is still really good :)
