Honeycomb with workers |
I am reading a non-fiction book which is called The Hives Detectives "Chronicle of Honey Bee Catastrophy". This book explains everything about bees and bee keeping. I have read 12 pages/66 total.
I have chosen this book beacuse I like to learn about these fascinating animals called bees. My plan for the future is to have a farm where I need to have bees and a hive in order to have good products and have my garden and orchard fertile and nice. I also intend to make my own medicinal bee products for humans and animals.
Beehives |
This book first shows how the bee hive looks and works. The entrance of the hive must always be free not to restict the bees their way to and from the hive. Each hive has a honey store full of honey. The honey combs are created in wooden frames. The cells in henycombs are filled either with honey or larvas or capped brood. The book gives an explanation of apiculture terms as propolis, queen, worker, drones, nectar, pollen and royal jelly.
I finished reading when there is a huge mystery on the bee farm of Dave Hackenberg Apiaris. He owns and manages the three thousand bee hives in Forida. Now it is a time where he needs to move his hives to another location because tha owner of the propety needs hi land. Dave and his son plus one more emplyee have arrived to the lot. They dressed in bee suits and took the smokers to move the hives. to their bad surprise they have discovered that two thousands bees have vanished and dissapeared. The strange thing was that the hives were full of food, larvas and there were no dead bees around. The hives looked very healthy. So what happened..?
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