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Sunday, September 28, 2014

After the Funeral ~ Agatha Christie


Hello everyone. This blog post will be about the conflict in the novel that I am reading. The main conflict in this book are the murders of Richard Abernethie and Cora Lansquenet. The first murdered was Richard. It was assumed that he died naturally in his sleep, until Cora, his sister, said: "But he was murdered, wasn't he?" right after Richard's funeral. Surprisingly, Cora was murdered two days after. She was hit with a hatchet many times and murdered.

The conflict in "After the Funeral" is external and it is man vs. man because it is Detective Poirot, the detective who is working on the case of the two murders, against whoever killed Richard and Cora.

I still don't know who killed them both, but I suspect it is Miss Gilchrist, Cora's companion/housekeeper, because she knew a lot about the murder and she doesn't seem like she liked Cora and Richard.

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