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Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Secret Life of Bees

Author: Sue Monk Kidd
Genre: Historical Fiction

Lily and Rosaleen have now found a place to stay. They worked with the bees aswell. August the eldest sister is very kind and have lots of courage. June second eldest is kind but Lily feels as if she is always sad but very intelegent. May the youngest is very fun loving but gets sad easily. One day when Lily in the middle of the night decides to go to the bathroom she stops, she can hear June and August talking on the porch. They know she is lying to them, and that she has came for a reason but Lily should tell when she is ready. Lily walks quietly over to the little stream and wads in. She thought about what T.Ray was doing and how he would probably be thinking of ways to kill Lilly when she comes back. The next day August sat on the porch with Lily and told her a story about a nun who didn't want to work anymore so she ran away, and over the years she wanted to go back but she knew they would not take her back. But one day when she did they said they already have her and Mary took her place the whole time she was gone waiting for her to come back. Lily realized that this was a story about her. But she knew T.Ray would not give her any love if she went back home. One night they were all watching the news and something happend to a black person, May burst out crying. It was harder for May to take in. Agust told Lily that this was harder for May becasuse May use to have a twin sister and her sister was strong and she and May were always together they both loved each other so so much. But she just didn't understand why white and black had to be separated. And her sister just kept on getting more and more depressed until oneday she killed herself. So May has always been easily upset. May to get all these bad feelings out had a wall, where what ever she was feeling she would write it down and stick it into the wall. May was a special person so Lily was here to help.

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