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Sunday, October 27, 2013

 "127 hours Between a Rock and a Hard Place" #1
I started reading the non-fiction book called “127 Hours Between a Rock and a Hard Place” by Aron Ralston. So far I read 35/342 pages.

The main character in this story is Aron Ralston (the author). He loves hiking and taking videos and pictures of where he has been.  That time he decided to go hiking and see what the canyons of Colorado were like. He wanted to see the petroglyphs in the canyon called “Great Gallery”. As he went through the “Blue John Canyon” he met an obstacle; he had to descend several meters. He tied a rope around a big rock and started descending. The rock started moving towards the edge, though, and fell on Arons’s arm. He started cursing and panicking. After 10 minutes of cursing, he cooled down and started thinking about how he could move the giant rock so that he could free his hand.

The book seems realistic because it happened to the author. I chose this text because I like survival stories.

A word that I didn’t know was “ephemeral”.


“Although it’s ephemeral, the general well-being that accompanies such a moment will boost my temperament for hours or even days.” (Ralston 17pg)

Ephemeral means something that lasts for a small amount of time.


  1. i like your blog post. it is detailed and organized. good job on summarizing you've read so far. but this book is historical fiction, not non fiction.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for commenting on my post. I realized only after I started reading the book that it is historical fiction. I chose a different book now and replaced the previous post with this one.
