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Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Diary of a Young Girl {aka Anne Frank's diary}

Anne Frank's Diary

     For the current book report, I am reading Anne Frank's diary. She had started to write in her diary when she still lived in a house in Amsterdam. But that changed, and know she was in hiding in a Secret Annex, for she was a Jew, and it was the second world war.
     Life in the Secret Annex was not easy for Anne, as her family had to share the Secret Annex with one more family, and soon enough, one more man. The Annex being so crowded, filled with different personalities, different hobbies and pleasures, and most of all, different opinions, arguments arise very often in the Secret Annex, often about Anne and how she is a troublesome child. In the Secret Annex, Anne gets picked on and criticized a lot, and often turns to her diary for support.
     The main conflict in this book is the war, which made Anne's family go into hiding. The war ended, so I already know that it was solved. As well as for other minor conflicts like Anne being criticized all the time, I think that she won't really be able to solve that. Although, I think that her parents will start taking her side more often in arguments, and that her diary will become more and more comforting for her daily struggles and arguments in the Secret Annex.

1 comment:

  1. I tried reading this book in fourth grade once.
