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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Blog Post #3

The Mockinjay

Susan Collins


While Katniss and her team try to make their way to the capitol to kill Snow, they stumble upon many problems. First, are pods. They are these moving vehicles that set some sort of bad thing for example, the ground might crack in half and underneath is lava. They were able to overcome pods by hiding and then shooting them. Second thing they have to fight against are the worst: they are these giant humans that look like big lizards. That is how half of their team die, including Finnick. They were able to avoid these by climbing out of the underground tunnels were they were, but many people died while doing that. The third things they have to avoid was Peackeepers. They just shot them. And lastly, Peeta. Since Peeta had been held captive in the Capitol, Snow injected a virus that makes Peeta hate Katniss. He had been treated earlier, but the Capitol was making him turn more and more to hate Katniss. They handcuffed him and eventually, he stopped. But he still didn't treat Katniss the same as he used to.


"You love me. Real or not real?" I tell him, "Real."


  1. This is a very interesting blog and beautifully constructed however, there are a few things little bits and pieces that could be improved. Firstly, the quote at the bottom doesn't have any context. This could be a from a scene where perhaps there is a marriage or it could be from another point entirely. What i'm trying to say is the quote needs a context. Next, why are they attacking peacekeepers. This is very confusing as in our dimension peacekeeper are neutral and are civilian observers. In this case just a bit more explanation would be nice. Finally, when you describe pods it is very confusing. Are they vehicles that set traps as they go or do they just monitor traps and ignite them. In conclusion just be a bit clearer as a few things are confusing.

  2. Wow. That sure sounds interesting. I will make sure I read the series.
