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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Book report #4

1.       The author of Masterpiece uses an incident at the beginning of the story to show the reader the difference in the way each family treats their sons.  For example, the bug family are kind and understanding to their son, Marvin while the Pompaday’s don’t even let James invite his own friends to his birthday party.  James’s mother was more concerned that her client’s kids would be treat well and have a good time than her own son.  This situation makes the bug family want to do something nice for James because they think that it was absurd that he never got anything he wanted for his birthday or was able to invite his own friends. 
2.       Some of the event that create conflict are as follows:
-Marvin and his family feel sorry for James because of his terrible party so they decide to give him a buffalo nickel as a pre-Marvin and his family feel sorry for James because of his terrible party so they decide to give him a buffalo nickel as a present.
-Marvin sees the pen and ink set in James’s room and wants to draw him a picture for a present.  James loves the picture and meets Marvin, the artist.
- When Marvin returns home the next morning his family were worried about him and are horrified that he revealed himself to James.  They tell him they must take the picture away because it is too dangerous a risk for revealing that there are bugs in the house. 
-James’s family see the picture before it can be removed and James tells them he drew it. 
-When James’s dad sees the drawing he wants him to draw a picture for the museum in the style of a famous artist Durer.
-The problems is that James cannot draw but Marvin can. 
-Marvin will have to draw but his family doesn’t want him to leave the apartment.  They are afraid he will get hurt.

3.        They author creates suspense in the story when problems happen. For example, when Marvin goes to the museum he leans over to see a picture better and falls out of James’s pocket and gets left behind.
I think in the end James will confess that he didn’t draw the picture and the bug family will be discovered under the sink and will have to move to James’s closet.  I believe this 

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