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Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Phanthom Tollbooth

Book: The Phanthom Tollbooth
Author: Norton Juster
Number of pages read: 84/127
The setting of my novel is in an imaginary world and in different cities in that world. If it took a place in a different setting there would be no weird creatures and the cities would not have the ridiculous names they do in this book. No I would not because the people sound boring and the place is not somewhere where I would like to go because nothing interesting happens in my point of view.


  1. lol. pretty weird and stupid. But good book Charli boy!

  2. It is a good post. But you should write a full sentence, instead of '' no, i wouldnt go, because its boring'' i would not like to go to the setting because its weird. is better
