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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Apollo 13 - main problem

Hey everyone!
This week, I was also reading the book, Apollo 13, by Jeffrey Kluger and Jim Lovell. I am 237/397 pages through, and currently, the book is very exciting! I am really enjoying it now that the action is actually happening, but I will describe more about it in my blog post, as I am going to talk about the problem in my book. This problem, is obvious.
So, you may wonder, what is the problem on Apollo 13?
Well, to be honest, they don't really know what caused the problem, or what made it so bad. All that they (the crew of Apollo 13, and the ground controllers in Houston) know is that all of a sudden the air and the fuel in the main ship of the Apollo 13 ships, is disappearing. It is rapidly decreasing, and there is nothing they can do about it. The ship is rocking, the supplies are limited and the temperature is plummeting. I also must remind you that they are currently on the other side of the moon. The ships moon landing is aborted - and the crew of three have to move into a two man ship, with enough rescources for two days. They have to make a four day journey and  find a way home. 
Back on earth, one of the news station reports that they have a one in ten chance of surviving, on the way back to earth. This statistic, is not a positive one, at all. 
On earth, the support crew are doing everything that they can do to rescue the mission. They are helping the crew plan a burn - where they use a lot of fuel to project themselves back. It is risky, and in no way garuantees safety for the crew. But, they have to keep trying and preparing. Lovell is trying to arrange everything and to stay in contact with  ground control. This is proving quite hard since the connection is failing - they cannot use too much power or the ship will run out of energy and then will die. Survival chances in that situation are basically non-existant. 
I think that this book has finally got interesting, and this week I actually read 110 pages, and I am very proud of myself. I will endavour to continue to read more, and finally finish it so I can get on with the book project. Bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting! I wonder and hope they go back to earth. Seems like such a dangerous trek. I'm glad you're finally enjoying the book!
