The Hive Detectives by Loree Griffin Burns
The topic of the book is very interesting. I had no idea that if there were no bees we, people, would not have any food. Bees are the main pollinators and the crop very much depends on them. I have learnt that bees like human can suffer with illnesses and diseases. Sometimes these diseases are easy to find and sometimes it is a hard job. The bees can be sick of viruses and bacteria. There are diseases of which the bees can also die, as it has been said in this book. The part what puzzled me the most was the part about the influence of chemicals that the farmers use very regularly. I still do not have an answer to a question: "If people need so badly the bees to pollinate the plants why do they still use chemicals which cause harm to them?" I do not think it is smart at all. I would like to learn more about bee-keeping because I would like to have my own hive and I do not want that my bees get sick.
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