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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Book report on Oliver Twist

Book report on Oliver Twist

Charles Dickens

480 pages
" 'That's acouse they damped the straw before they lit in the chimbley to make 'em come down again,' said Gamfield; "that's all smoke, and no blaze, vereas smoke ain't o' use at all in making a boy come down, for it only sinds him to sleep, and that's wot he likes. Boys is wery obstinit and, wery lazy, gen'lmen and there's nothink like a good hot blaze to make 'em come down with run. It's humane too, gen'lmen, acause, even if they've stuck in the chimbley, roasting their feet makes 'em struggle to hextricate theirselves."

This is my favourite quote from "Oliver Twist" by Charles Dickens (pages 40-41) because it illustrates how this chimney cleaner is illiterate and is from a low class. The chimney cleaner wants to take the young orphan, Oliver Twist, as an apprentice and he explains to the owner of the orphanage why chimney cleaning is a good job. 

1 comment:

  1. You found a very interesting quote, that could have lots of importance to the book. Also your blog post is good length and goodly organized.
