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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Skullduggery Pleasant

By Derek Landy
Pages: 604
I think the book is really great and i would change nothing in it except maybe the way Teseract dies in the end. I would make it so he escapes but gets killed by lord Vile.

The living and the dead world mixed would make the best possible world
- Solomon Wreath

That is the only quote in the story. It means that the world of the living combined with the world of the dead would be the best. Solomon is a necromancer and they are trying to do the ''Passage'' where they bring the two worlds together. It makes no sense because that would redefine death and the necromancers get their power from death, so it would make no sense.


  1. Nice book report you described it very well and I'm surprised you found I quote in the book.

  2. seriously an other skulduggery but as Ivan says Very Nice
