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Monday, October 1, 2012

Skullduggery Pleasant

By Derek Landy

  Teseract is a paid assassin that wants to kill Davina Marr. Skullduggery Pleasant is trying to stop him. He kills Davina. A necromancer releases a remnant that takes control of a guard that guards all the other remnants. Skullduggery has to fight them until he finds a way to capture them. They have to go find a key to turn on a remnant trapper. Valkyrie finds one part of the key while Skullduggery finds the other. They turn on the soul catcher and suck in all the remnants. The book finishes with The one remnant that escaped running of.

1 comment:

  1. You did a very good job with describing your book and you also made everything very clear.
