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Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Golden Compass- Marija

Hey Guys! 

We all get a fresh start! Second semester has started and I plan to read more, and what better way to start second semester with a astonishing and interesting book titled "The Golden Compass". As always, at the beginning of each blog post I will have a picture of the book and as well as what I have read so far, and then for this blog post I will need to find a word I do not understand, as well as the definition and the sentence it came from :) So I hope you enjoy this blog post :)

Information About the Book: 

Title: The Golden Compass 

Author: Philip Pullman

Number of pages: 399

How the book looks like: 

What has happened in the book so far? 
Lyra lives in a very different world. In this world human souls exist externally in the form of daemons, who are animal, spiritual beings that constantly accompany their human to comfort, and always be with. Lyra and her beloved daemon, Pantalaimon, await Lyra's uncle, Lord Arsiel at Jordon College where they will listen in on the lecture he gives to the scholars. After Lyra realizes she is to sneak into a room where she is prohibited from entering, she seeks even greater pleasure in listening on the lecture. Just before the lecture is about to start, Lyra and her daemon hide into the wardrobe, thus Lyra sees the colleges Master but some poison in the Tokay that was set out for Lord Arsiel, when the Master sets out to find the scholars, Lord Arsiel enters the room and he sees the Tokay and takes it, Lyra immediately jumps out of the closet and tells him that the Tokay is poisoned. Lord Arsiel, who was in shock, tells her to go back into the hiding place and to make no sound. He also tells her to keep a close eye on the Master to see his expression when he realizes that Lord Arsiel did not drink the Tokay. The lecture has been about the mysterious "Dust" and how Lord Arsiel believes that there is another city, a parallel universe. The whole point of the lecture was to convince the scholars and the master and other important people that were present for this meeting to fund the Lord for his expedition. After, when the lecture is over and the scholars leave, Lyra, who has fallen asleep in the closet, is woken up by her uncle. She tells him what she had saw (Masters facial expressions) and then he tells her to go to her room, and that he has to leave Jordon. When Lord Arsiel leaves, and Lyra goes with her daemon to her dorm, in another setting, a conversation between the Master and the librarian who have been close for a very long time, talk about the danger the girl is in. The Master had only attempted to poison the Lord because it provided Lyra a longer period of safety, and now that the Lord is still alive, Lyra is imposed to great danger, and it will come sooner than it would have if the Lord had been poisoned. 
That is my quick summary for the first thirty pages! :) Here are the words that were foreign to me: 
Definition: Any of various tropical American evergreen tress of the genus Swietenia, valued for their hard, reddish-brown wood.
 Sentence Used: The places here were laid with gold, not silver, and the fourteen seats were not oak benches, but mahogany chairs with velvet cushions.  
Page Number: 1 


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