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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Twilight Blogpost

Title: Twilight 
Author: Stephanie Meyer 
Number of pages: 114 read out of 550

The book I just started reading, is the number one bestseller, by Stephanie Meyer. The book consists from 550 pages, and it is the first book in the series Twilight. In the first few chapters of the book, the book explains how Bella Swan is new to town. The author states, how she's having some difficulties with picking the right people to 'hang out' with, but soon falls for the Cullens. The Cullens, are a bunch of vampires, that have been in that school for ages. There is Alice, who has the power to see the future. There is Jasper, Alice's boyfriend, and a valued member of the team, there is Rosalind, who was bitten by a vampire in her teens, three hundred years ago, and apart from the 'mother, and father' there is Edward Cullen. Edward is described to be one of the nicest vampires you'll ever meet. His powers allow him to read everyones mind, but Bella's. Soon, Edward and Bella start falling in love with each other, but there is always something in the way.. Whether its Jacob (Bella's werewolf friend) The "Voulturi" (Which are the government in vampire world) or simply the fact, that Bella might be in great danger if anything happens between them. I think Jacob provides an example of his personality, on page 112-113, when he demonstrated his rood behavior towards Bella. 

For now, this book seems very interesting and fascinating to me, because I find books about vampires and werewolves interesting because of the action that occurs between them. The only thing that I still don't get, is that when is Bella gonna figure out that Edward is a vampire? I find this very annoying, to have to read about how much he lies to her. Even though, its for her own good, I wish that he would just tell her. At this point, this book is getting a 9/10, or a 10/10, because its keeping me interested, and I can't wait to read more! 

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