Title: DivergentAuthor: Veronica Roth
# of pages: Done
The protagonist of my book is a girl named Beatrice and she is a very curios person, and she doesn't feel like she belongs in her faction, Abnegation, because she is supposed to be selfless. She has messy blond hair, large blue-grey eyes, a narrow face, a long thin nose and a small frame. I think she is brave and daring because later in the book she has to choose witch faction she feels she fits into*1, but this is a hard decision for her because a test that all 16 year olds had to take to help her chose came in inconclusive (she had more than one faction), making her Divergent and she chooses Dauntless*2. I also think Tris (her new name) is daring because in her new faction she has to jump of moving trains and in one part of her initiation she has to jump of a roof onto a pit that she can't see the bottom of and she chooses to jump first.
There are many antagonists in this book but if I had to choose one it would be Jeanine, she is a leader from Erudite that is trying to destroy all the factions and rebuild the world in her own glory. She is very manipulative because she tricked half of the Dauntless to go on her side and almost all of Erudite to go on her side including some of Tris' friends. She is also very harsh because she drugged almost all of Dauntless (all except the divergent, who it didn't effect) and put them in a simulation that told them to go and kill all of the Abnegation. She is also very smart because she is always making new simulations hoping it will effect the Divergent and she made one at one point that made Tobias ( Tris' boyfriend, another Divergent) go under the simulation.
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