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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Mystery Novel - Sonia

Mystery Novel

Title: Holes
Author: Louis Sachar
Pages read: 197 / 253

     The main character in my novel is Stanley Yelnats. In the book, they say that he was overweight before getting sent to Camp Green Lake, where he dug a lot of holes and lost a lot of weight. He is one of those kids that gets picked on a lot, and at his school, all the bullies picked on him because of how fat he was. He is an only child, and his name has been passed down through generations, from his great - great - grandfather, who was also named Stanley. A cool thing about him is that his full name (Stanley Yelnats) spelled backwards is "Stanley Yelnats".

     Another main character in my book is called Zero. He has very curly, brown hair. His real name is Hector Zeroni, but at Camp Green lake all the boys called him Zero. They also thought he was very stupid, but Zero was actually a math genius, and he never wanted to answer questions, so he just seemed stupid. However, he couldn't write, and he asked Stanley to teach him to read and write. The boys always said that Zero was the best hole digger. Zero had no home, and he lived on the streets. He got arrested for stealing a pair of sneakers, which fell of a bridge, hit Stanley, and then Stanley got accused for stealing the sneakers.

     The conflict in my book right now is man vs nature, because Stanley and Zero have to survive on the mountain. The antagonists (at Camp Green Lake) are the Warden and Mr Sir, but Stanley and Zero aren't at the camp anymore, their antagonist is probably nature, because they have to survive. The Warden is a weird lady, who makes the boys dig because she is looking for something that is said to be buried there. She makes her own nail polish, with snake venom, and when she gets angry at someone, she paints her nails and scratches them, and the snake venom goes into their blood and makes them twitch (weird, i know). Mr Sir is always very grumpy, and everyone at the camp said it was because he quit smoking. Since he quit smoking, he would eat sunflower seeds, a few packs a day. He was known for reminding the boys that "this is not Girl Scout camp."

     In the book, Stanley and Zero ran away from Camp Green Lake, and climb up a mountain, where they live off onions and water. Zero gets sick, and they have to survive. They basically just camp on the mountain, and they sit in the shade of a cliff they call "big thumb" which gives them shade and protection from the sun throughout the day. Their initial plan was to climb the "big thumb", but when they get close to it, they decide that it is way too steep to climb. 


  1. zero seems very similar to me.. im always getting acused of things that i never do. i've also heard of some kids that think im not to bright either....

  2. I think that I am similar in many ways to Zero, the main character in Sonia's book. However I see that we are different in some ways. Like Zero, I have dark brown hair but mine is not curly. Usually, I am also the one getting in trouble even though most of the time, I didn't do anything. One of the differences between Zero and me is that people have always told me that I am intelligent and that I have a lot of potential to succeed.Instead of others telling me that I am not good enough, I was the one who thought I was stupid and not bright enough.

  3. This book sounds interesting!

    I will compare my self to Zero.

    I am not really similar to Zero. First of all, he is a boy and I am a girl. Second of all, he is a math genius and math isn't really my best subject and I am not very good in math because I really get confused and blanked out when the teacher explains sometimes. Also, he doesn't like answering questions but I do actually like participating and answering questions because I think that it is very fun. Finally, I understand that Zero is homeless but I wouldn't actually steal something or do anything bad because it's wrong unless someone donates or gives it to you. I also remembered what my dad always said since I was little, "Don't take anything even if it's laid on the ground because it's not yours." (he said it in Malay so this is not exactly how he said it but it is similar)

  4. Sounds like an interesting book. The main character Zero is definetely not like me. He is always getting in trouble and is often in detention. I was NEVER in detention.
