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Friday, September 20, 2013

North of Nowhere

By: Liz kessler, i have read 153/217 pages and i will read more this weekend.

This book's protagonist Amelia but she doesn't that name she prefers Mia. She has blond hair half between her shoulders and her elbows, thirteen, medium short of height. She is very nice and thoughtful. for an example her grandpa ran away and her grandmother is very sad so she thins before saying something to make sure she doesn't hurt her. Another example would be when she take a boat through stormy weather to go find her friend with his sister and she realized that she had to go from one island to another to be able to shave them. This book does not have antagonist jet though her grandfather is missing.

The mysteries of the book are:

Mia is trying to find the girl that wrote the diary and that is talking to her in the diary that is going from island to island.

The are trying to find Mai's grandfather that has gone missing

They are trying to find Mia's friend that went to get her other friend that wrote the diary (Dee) 

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you explained the physical features of the character.
