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Sunday, September 22, 2013

      The book I'm  reading is called "the big splash" by Jack Ferraliolo. I've read 60 pages.

      The main characters that I've found so far are Matt Stevens and Nicole AKA Nikki Fingers. matt is a medium sized, boy with black hair, blue eyes, and a "craving" for justice. "Nicole had dark brown eyes and a ponytail pulled back." 

      There are actually two antagonists, matt and Nicole, and the protagonist is whoever threw the water balloon at Nicole.


  1. arent there 2 protagonists and 1 antagonist because the protagonist is the good/main charecter and not the one that threw the water balloon?

  2. arent there 2 protagonists and 1 antagonist because the protagonist is the good/main charecter and not the one that threw the water balloon?
