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Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Lottery

Title of book: The Lotter
Author of book: Beth Goobie
Number of pages: 289

  This week I was reading two different books. My blog post will be about the book "The Lottery". The book talks about this unlucky girl who gets picked as this years lottery winner. The reason why she is unlucky and why this lottery is bad, is that the person who gets picked will have to get humiliated in front of the whole school every day, he or she would have to obey the people who invented the lottery, and many other "bad thing". The people who made the lottery, are this group students, very popular. Each year they have this lottery and other students prey that they won't get picked. This years winner, doesn't want anyone to know that she got picked, so in book she does her best not to give a clue to other students. The quotation that I found is on the 2nd page. "There, right before her eyes, was a white scroll wrapped around the lower joint of her clarinet and tied with a black ribbon. That scroll had one meaning, and one meaning only: Lottery Winner. Shadow Council's Dud for The Year."  Even though I just started reading this book, it seems very interesting and I would definitely recommend it anyone. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice Job, I really like your summary and the book you have chosen! I really does seem interesting to me too, I should read it also! Anyways, keep up the good work :)
