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Monday, November 19, 2012

tree research final draft

Richard Koys 7A
November 19 2012
Miss: M
Science, research

Trees and soil, our hope. For generations they helped our planet live. Until one day people began to cut down those trees, and began to make hundreds of products. Soil couldnt and still cant help to stop the humans to cut down trees. And not only humans are hurting the trees but also disseases. over 25 million trees are cut down every single year and over 5,000 products are made from trees. Why are we humans cutting down our only hope that can let us live? Do those people even care that what they are doing? I think not. Anyway, trees can give us two things: Oxygen and Food. And there are over 23 thousand different kind of trees. Another good thing is that trees also have doctors; the woodpeckers because they are like scanners that land on a spot on the tree, drills inside of it with its beek and immediately find a green slug poisoning the tree. There are not only normal tree diseases but also food tree diseases. These are the diseases: Sycamore anthracnose,
Oak Anthracnose, Ash anthracnose and Maple anthracnose. And another thing: what can we do to stop this endless war? continue it or stop it? Thats a pretty hard decition.
So in conclusion, I have only one thing to say: Cut those trees down, if you want our planet to die! I dont care, but I really care about trees.
Thank you for reading my blog post about trees. This took me hard because my first one got deleted and I started all over again. But still I made it. Here are the websites I used. Some of them are helpfull but we stopped working on trees and soil right?

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