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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Outsiders Week 13

I am not reading an outside reading book yet but i am reading a in class book called the Outsiders.

This book is about the rivalry of 2 gangs in a town. The two gangs are the Socs and the Greasers. The Socs are  the kids with lots of money, popularity and friends while the greasers live tuff lives and dont have so much money. This book follows the greasers through their lives, from what I have read the greasers are tuff but can be nice and loving, the socs are wreched, mean and just plain old jerks. There is a maion character in this book he is called Ponyboy, he is a sweet and smart 14 year old kid with 2 brothers and dead parents. The youngest older brother is Sodapop a charming and handsome guy and the olders is Darry, a workaholic and the one that always loves to bug Ponyboy but he does have a heart. The whole greaser gang includes SodaPop, Dally(Not ponys brother), Tim shepard, Jonny and two-bit. All live hard lives but they also care a lot about each other, better than family.

1 comment:

  1. I love the book we are reading it togheter.
