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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mystery Novel - Holes - Sonia

Mystery Novel

     I am still reading the book Holes by Louis Sachar. An obstacle that Stanley and Zero have had to overcome is the lack of food and water. They overcome it by finding food and water. They find a water hole, and Stanley digs up the mud and makes it bigger. They got some jars and scooped water out of the hole and drank it. They found onions and lived on onions. They also had to hide from the sun, and they do so by walking around the mountain, moving with the shadow of the cliff which is higher up on the mountain.

The Hound of the Baskerville #4

The Hound of the Baskervilles
Arthur Conan Doyle

I am not yet in the part of the book where the characters are most active, so I will explain the events that Sherlock Holmes ran into so far.

Obstacle 1 (Main problem that Holmes has to solve)
Sir Charles Baskerville met a sudden death of mystery. Sherlock Holmes was very interested with the case when Dr Mortimer said, 'Mr Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound!' -From the end of chapter 2. Sherlock confessed to Sir Henry Baskerville that the case is very complex and cuts deeper than other five hundred cases that he has handled. Currently, they have discovered that Dr Mortimer was followed by Sir Charles's butler called Barrymore. Sherlock Holmes seemed to got something as he heard about Sir Charles's will and the heir to the estate.

Obstacle 2
Sherlock Holmes met the cabman who drove the spy who was watching them the other day. The cabman's name is John Clayton and have driven his No. 2704 cab this seven years. The man was surprised when Sherlock asked him about the fare who spied. Clayton confessed that the man told him that he was a detective and the name was Sherlock Holmes.

4:50 From Paddington by Agatha Christie

Title: 4:50 From Paddington
Author: Agatha Christie
Number of pages read: 160/217

The first obstacle that the main character(s) have faced is that when Elspeth McGillicuddy reports that she has witnessed a young woman being strangled by a man in the carriage of a passing train nobody believes her. She tells a ticket collector, writes a letter to a stationmaster, and even goes to the police yet no one takes her seriously. The second the obstacle that the main character(s) have faced is that Jane Marple is not physically able to investigate the suspected crime scene because of her age and frailty. But both these problems are resolved when Miss Marple recruits Lucy Eyelsbarrow to search for the body of the victim while working for the Crackenthorpes who live at Rutherford Hall, an enormous property alongside the railroad. 

Lucy does find the body but this creates another obstacle. Who does the body belong to? Unfortunately none of the clues Lucy found on the side of the railroad ("a torn scrap of fur. It was almost the same colour as the wood, a pale brownish colour." and "a powder compact, a small cheap enameled affair." Christie 38) are any help to identifying the woman. The only thing anyone knows about her is that she is a French tourist who arrived in London several weeks prior. But this fact alone prompts a memory in Emma Crackenthorpe's mind. A month earlier, she had received a letter from the French widow of her brother, saying that she was coming to England. Nobody had ever met her as they married only a few days before Edmund was killed, so who can confirm it's actually her?

Something that I didn't notice about this book was that it is written in third person omniscient point of view. The narrator knows all the actions and thoughts of all the characters. I mentioned in a previous blog post that "The focus on a main character has shifted three times thus far." and I didn't know that this was just a style of narration. 

The Hound of the Baskervilles

By: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's

In total I have read 60 pages out of 203. One obstacle that the main character has to run into is that Sir Henry Baskerville has lost his brown and black boot, he doesn't know who stole them from him. Sherlock Holmes has to find out who has stolen the boots and the other obstacle he has to run into is that how the Baskerville has been killed. 

I found the first one in page 52 paragraph 4: 

"Seems to me they are playing me for a sucker in this hotel," he cried. "They'll find they've started in to monkey with the wrong man unless they are careful. By thunder, if that chap can't find my missing boot there will be trouble. I can take a joke with the best, Mr.Holmes, but they've got a bit over the mark this time!". 

i'm not who you think I am

There was a meeting about who is going to be a coach. Is Mr. Wren going to keep hes job , or is someone else going to be a coach. We don't know. In meanwhile one day while Ginger was waiting for bus on the street the strange woman tell her to meet her after the school she has something important to tel her but Ginger insist to tell her now . Then it was to late bus came for Ginger and women start crying and said to Ginger that she is her mutter. Ginger was all day thinking about what the woman said .  No one knows about that except of Karie and her. After school she meet the women again and ask her is she really her mutter .Women tell her that her name is Joyce Enderly ,13 years ago she was pregnant with Gingeer , Gingers fater was killed in a motorcycle accident before she was born. So Joyce wasn't able to keep Ginger alone.
Women ask her did she ever wonder why is she so different from everyone in her family. She is the only one that's interesting in sport, She is the only one that's short.Ginger said "My parents said I look like my grandma when she was my age" Ginger didn't know what to do, in what to believe . Than bus came and the woman said " when you come home look at the mirror and you will see". when ginger came home with karie she find the photo album with a picture of a just born baby , Ginger, and her grandma. She realize that she is not adopt and she looks like her grandma before she hair was gray. After Karie left the phone rang it was her parents she asked then just to know is she adopt ? The answer was no , she knew the odd woman was wrong. That's why the woman try to kidnap her. She pay some guy to help her. But Ginger was smarter so they failed. Tomorrow when Ginger woke up she saw in the news paper "Two people were arrested last night at the Roosevelt School District Administration Building for the attempted abduction of Ginger Shaw , a thirteen-year-old student. They were identified as Joyce Enderly and Jake Gallo , both of Seattle."
Ginger knew she was safe now.
The End.

This week I read the book Chasing Vermeer. It is written by Blue Balliett. This week I read 21 pages. One of the main characters in the novel that I am reading is Petra Andalee. The first thing that happend to her was getting that letter where she got a task to solve a mystery that is centuries old. 
'' The doorbell had been rung at each place, and an envelope left propped outside.'' pg:1 

Petra and Calder ran into this lady Mrs Sharp. She seems suspicious to me because she knows about art and she invites Calder and Petra for tea. and is friendly with them. 


Name of the book: Coraline
Author: Neil Gaiman
Number of pages read: 45

By now the main problem is that the character is living with her "other" mother. At the beginning of the book she was with her parents and she saw one door that she never opened. Her main goal was to go inside, and she did. But she realizes that she has another mother and father living on the other side. She is spending time with them, and after some time she decides to go home. Her parents are not there for a long time and she gets worried, then she looks into a mirror and her parents are in it, her father is saying something but she doesn't understand, and her mother writes on the mirror "HELP US". Coraline goes again to her other parents because she thinks that they did something to her parents. When she goes in, they were already waiting for her,taking the key and locking the door so she can't go back in. After spending some time she realizes that her other mother is really mean, and that she is planning to do something to Coraline. But Coraline doesn't want to leave until she finds out were her parents are, and because of her bad manners her other mother locks her into a mirror, were there other shapes/things that tell her she should run away as fast as she can, because she might die because of her evil other mother. 

Basically, main problems:
1. Can't find her real parents.
2. Living with other parents that are evil. 

The other mother
Also the other mother

The Secret of Whispering Springs #4

The book I am reading is called "The Secret of Whispering Springs" and it is written by Jerri Garretson. This book has  204 pages and I read 132 pages this week. I finished the whole book.

   From what I read last week, the story was mostly about Cassie receiving mails from the antagonist and was confused if she should meet him at the graveyard or not (man vs. self.) 

   This week, I started reading the part when Cassie was deciding if she should go to the graveyard or not and she did. It turned out that the SPY believed that there was hidden treasure on the land somewhere and he wanted Cassie to find other letters because there might be clues about the treasures on it. The next day, Cassie and her mum went to visit the new house. In Cassie's new room, she heard someone whispering, it was Annie, the ghost. 

"Annie," Cassie whispered back, her knees weak. 
"Are you here with me, or is it my imagination?"
"Im here," the ghost replied. "I'm always here." (Garretson 109)

   Later on, Annie told Cassie all of her story and they started becoming friends. Annie wanted to find the letter her mother kept for her because inside was a secret her mother wanted to tell Annie when she became fourteen but sadly, Annie died at that age so Annie did not have time to read the letter that her mother left for her when her mother died of pneumonia. Annie's father told her that Adele (Annie's mother) and Johnnie (Annie's baby brother) were in Heaven, a place he never expected to see. Annie asked why would he go to hell and her father started shouted that greed is a deadly sin and she should remember that. 

   Annie died when she ran outside, when she ran under a cottonwood tree when suddenly the lightning struck her. She ran because it was the first time in four years that her aunt Marie sent a photo of her mother and a letter but Annie's dad threw it in the fireplace and threw the pieces of the letters in the room. Her dad just didn't want those memories coming back again. 

   Later on, Cassie and Annie decided to go downstairs, to check out the coal bin. There, they discovered a chest, full of Johnnie's toys and some clothes.

Annie gave a strangled cry and sank down beside it. She touched it gently. 
"Oh, Johnnie," she whispered. 
"Did father hide your toys under the coal?Why didn't he give them away or burry them with you?" (Garretson 132)

   When Cassie went home, she got more e-mails from the SPY/ Jason Campbell. 

"What did you take from the house today? Don't try to hide anything. Time is growing short. Don't waste it." (Garretson 140)

   He also told Cassie that her deadline was on sunday. When Jordan and Cassie decided to have a campout outside her new house, Jordan wanted to check the attic and suprisingly, they found the letter for Annie which had the secret in it. The problem is that Annie wanted the letter, and so as Campbell. Later on, they discovered that Ben was gone. They knew that Campbell kidnapped him AND Mrs. Mossman. 

   Thankfully, Annie saved Cassie from almost being shot by him and they got to save Ben and Mrs. Mossman. 

   The SPY was sent to hospital and according to the sherif, Campbell didn't pay a lot of debts so he wanted to find that treasure. 

   The secret that Annie's mother wanted to tell her was that her father KILLED his best friend, John Sellars because they couldn't decide how to split the gold they found equally at the Black Hills. That was why Annie's dad told her that he would go to hell and told her that greed is a deadly sin because her that became so greedy that he would kill his best friend.   

(I wish I could tell more but I don't want to give it away!) 

Character's Obstacles

   The first main obstacle that the main character, Cassie had to deal with is the SPY/Jason Campbell. He is the stalker who would always spy on the Wade family but Cassie doesn't know what he looks like; she only knew that he had a beard. As I said in my last blog post, he sent a lot of threatful mean cards and e-mails to Cassie to follow his directions and do the things as she is told. Cassie had to meet him at the graveyard near Whispering Springs; ALONE without telling anyone but she had to tell someone. She ended up telling her best friend, Jordan and Jordan's older brother, Kevin because she needed a ride to Whispering Springs. At the graveyard, something cold pulled Cassie over to a grave, it was Annie Gwynne's and she heard someone whispering, saying 

"Stay there... Don't move...Beware." (Garretson 82) 

   Then, the SPY came from the back and held Cassie. He told her that there is a treasure hidden in the land and he wants it but because he knew Cassie found some old letters, he wanted Cassie to find more letters that may have the clues to the treasure that he is searching for. (I said this in the summary)

   The second obstacle was when Cassie's younger brother, Ben and her neighbour, Mrs. Mossman got kidnapped by the SPY/Jason Campbell because it was the deadline for Cassie to bring the letter to him for the treasure. Cassie, Jordan, and Annie found his dugout and saw Campbell holding a gun. Jordan went back to tell Cassie's parents but Annie and Cassie stayed to rescue Ben and Mrs. Mossman. Campbell almost attacked Cassie but Annie saved her and Campbell flew over the edge of the ravine, landing on a gravel area next to the creek. His legs were broken and bent. Thankfully, both Ben and Mrs. Mossman were safe. 


There were some informations about the author inside the book so I thought that I could tell a little bit about her :)

-She started writing stories in second grade when she started to spell.

-She got in trouble in school for reading too much.

-Loved to read and write.

-Grew up in Manhattan, Kansas.

-Lived in Germany, Japan, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Illinois, Kentucky, and Virginia.

-She has a husband named Peter.

-Has two sons and three grand children.

Unbelievable #4

Since I finished a lot of chapters for the last post and ending of my book there will be a lot of happening. Hanna is recovering very well in the hospital and Mona( Hanna's best friend ) and Spencer decide to throw Hanna a surprise coming back party. Hanna can remember some things from the past but some still are not coming back, and before Hanna had her accident she knew who A was now she cant just figure it out. Since Aria was staying with her dad and Meredith she was forced to take Hollis Art Classes so she decided to take Mindless Art, as she was going into class she thought she saw someone, someone just looking suspicious.
 When they started class they had to start off with an activity that they found a partner in the dark and then draw how they think they look. When Aria looked at her drawing the person looked similar to Ali as soon as the person started talking, it sounded like someone so familiar, when it was time to reveal the drawing and the partners face she was shocked to see. Jenna Cavanaugh.

 She was amazed but nervous that Jenna was here with her eye seeing dog and her blind eyes after the accident they had four years ago( they wanted to do something bad to Jenna's brother and instead they ended        up blinding Jenna). Emily was on her runaway early in the morning she was just at a normal coffee shop until she saw Hanna on the news and her parents and how this affected Ali's murder case and then surprisingly her parents were on and said that their daughter Emily has been missing too and that they love her and want her back. Everyone looked at Emily in the shop having a look on their face saying " Were you just on Tv ?! ". Emily rethought about it and decided to go home and took the late bus home. 
During all that time and after she disguised Hanna's party with Mona, Spencer was in New York waiting for her Golden Orchid interviews, while she was waiting Ian came into her room and started flirting with her and Spencer just knew that wasn't right ( she had a crush on him before and Melissa and Spencer had one of the worst fights ever ), she wanted to tell Melissa but Ian said he would keep it a secret.
 Spencer was now getting ready for the interview she was up next, right before she came up her phone buzzed and she was freaking out that it was A, and little before she knew it was A. A was warning her about how she stole Melissa's paper for a project and then got nominated and how she should confess now or else she will make it worst but Spencer just couldn't do it.
                                                                                                                     This picture is what Hanna found on her cast which was signed by someone, they're just wondering who it was.......................

Hercule Poirot's Christmas #4

The name of my book is "Hercule Poirot's Christmas" by Agathe Christie. I have Finished the book by reading 319/319 pages. During the book; "Hercule Poirot's Christmas" there were two main obstacles. The first obstacle for Hercule Poirot to figure out is "How could the murderer have escaped". Hercule Poirot had to figure this out because, the only window had a burglar pin in it, and the entire time, there was a lady standing in the recess in front of the door. Therefore, the murderer could not have left the room. A quote from page 295 was "I will tell you where I think you were, mademoiselle. you were in the recess with the statues quite close to your grandfather's door". The other main obstacle that Mr. Hercule Poirot faced was that almost everybody's alibi left an amount of time in which their movements were undefined. For example,  there was a man that left dinner at a certain point to make a phone call. Then when the phone records were checked he had only made a phone call for 5 minutes, leaving 10 minutes where his  movements were unknown. These were Hercule Poirot's two main obstacles in the book "Hercule Poirot's Christmas". 

The 39 Clues

I changed my book to The 39 Clues cause it was hard for me to understand.
The author of this book is Peter Lerangis. It has 190 pages and i read 44 pages so far. I am trying to finish this book fast as i can.
The main character is Amy and Dan. They are sister and brother. At that time there was volcano eruption of volcano in Indonesia. Amy and Dan and their friend ran away from police. While they were trying to find boat Dan was caught by snake. "AAAAAAGGHHHH! SNAKES! GET OFF ME!" Dan shouted in page 11. 

Charlie Bone

I'm glad to announce the I finally finished my book.
I liked the book and the ending.

Author: Jenny Nimmo

one optical is Manfred . Manfred is the bad guy in the story. Manfred locks Henry in a dungeon for two weeks. Pg: 242 is the page of where it happened.  

Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Last Straw.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Last Straw by Jeff Kinney.
I have read 159/ 216 pages this week. A friend from Norway bought over the two first Diary of a Wimpy Kid books in Norwegian .  In Norwegian it is called Et  Pingles  Dagbok. I have now the third and fourth book of Diary of a Wimpy Kid that was brought from England. I am reading the third book and it is really good and funny.I cannot wait to read the fourth book.
I can only think of one obstacle which is his dad because Greg likes playing video games all the time and his dad wants him to be outside doing other stuff."Quote is that Greg has been out of clean clothes for about three days so he wears his bathing suit at school.

I hope you like the book too!

Vanishing Girl

Vanishing Girl
Written by: Shane Peacock
(The boy Sherlock Holes and his 3rd case)

This week I am very happy how many pages I read of the book. I read 287/307.
I really love the book so far. The obstacles my main character Sherlock has run in to are
that when he was looking for Victoria, he was tricked a few times. When he went to the countryside to look for her. Also when he Found Victoria, he returned her back, but then she was missing again. So he had to look for her all over again. When Sherlock first started looking for Victoria, at the very beginning of the book, he had a note that gave him a clue. Sherlock always hates, when he doesn't win or when he gets something wrong. I choose to give a quote from the book, that explains who is Sherlock really. It is at the beginning of the book, where the story didn't start yet. Before I didn't know what this meant, but now when I am towards the end of the book I understood the meaning. It goes like this: "A flush of colour sprang to Holmes's pale cheeks , and he bowed to us like the master dramatist who receives the homage of his audience. It was at such moments that for an instant he ceased to be a reasoning machine, and betrayed his human love for admiration and applause." - Dr. Watson in The Adventure of the Six Napoleons
This means that he took his work in first place, and worked hard to deserve the applause and attention he gets. This quote has no number, but it is before page number three. I love the book and can't wait to see what will happen at the end.

Sports Mystery

Author: Sigmund Brouwers

Number of pages read: 70/115

The book is about football mystery.
There is a boy who plays football  in one team.
His team participate in the tournament,but one best player is missing. His name is Caleb. That boy and his friend tried to call Caleb, but Caleb sad that he is punished.
After that they lost one match. They were last in their group.
Next week the won three matches.

The Mostly True Story of Jack

 Author: Kelly Barnhill 
# of pg read 123 out of 212

What are two obstacles that the main character has run in to?
After Jack’s mom left him to stay with his Aunt Mabel and Uncle Clive, she hasn't called him at all. Being home sick, Jack tried contacting his parents on few occasions. First, he tried sending them a letter, but some strange force kept the letter unsent. Not only, did it stay in the mailbox unsent, but kept erasing the address on the envelope so as the whole letters written to his parents.

Pg # 28 How? Jack wondered. Letters can’t just erase themselves. The next day he tried again. By the time he reached the bottom of the stairs, the letter was blank.
Jack tried writing to his parents eight more times over the next four days. Each day, both envelope and the paper stayed in the mailbox, perfectly clean and unblemished by any writing.

Unfortunately, Jack didn't manage to reach his Dad, something kept obstructing him, something explainable  again. Furious because of this turn of events, Jack demanded some answers from his Aunt and Uncle.

Pg #40 “That there’s no such thing as magic,” Jack said, putting deliberate emphasis on each and every word. “And by the way, that you’re-“

“Indeed. And if I was to tell you that certain people have attempted to manipulate that magic for personal gain, and in their attempts to turn magic into money and power, ended up transforming what once was good into something grotesque and rotten, what would you say to that?” He steepled his fingers and rested his chin on his tips, gazing mildly at Jack.


title: Stormbreaker
author: Anthony Horowitz
number of pages: 249

the two obstacles that my character Alex had to face were that he was taking a stroll through the park and then he finds two signs and decides to follow the new painted sign and then out of nowhere come two quad biked trying to kill him and the second obstacle he faced was the attempt to follow a loading truck to the dock and find out what was being shipped in.
quote: "One of them had to get out of the way. Three two one..."

City of Bones #4 - Obstacles that main characters run into

I'm reading a book called "The City of Bones" by Cassandra Clare and I finished the book (553/553 pages).

One of the obstacles that my main characters face (Jace and Clary) in the novel is that Jace and his allies who are half angels and half humans are trying to find the mortal cup. The mortal cup is a chalice that causes a human who drinks from it to become a shadowhunter (a person who hunts demons) just like Jace and Clary. The only problem is that Clary's mother hid it so that nobody could find it. Only Clary knows where it's hidden, but her mother put a block in her head so that she can't remember.  Here is a quote about this obstacle:

"There is a block in your mind, your memories cannot be reached". (Clare p.200)

One of the other obstacles that my main characters face in the novel is that Valentine, the evil shadowhunter, tells Clary and Jace that they are brother and sister. Clary and Jace are astonished and don't want to accept this fact because they love each other.  This is the quote in the book when Valentine presents this obstacle:

"My mother is alive?" said Jace "She is" said Valentine. "Alive, and asleep in one of the downstairs rooms at this very moment. Yes, " he said, cutting off Jace before he could speak,"Jocelyn is your mother and Clary-Clary is your sister". (Clare p.501)

Mystery post #4

The Five on a Hike Together as 213 pages and is by Enid Blyton.

The first obstacle the characters run int is Timmy getting stuck in a rabbit ole and hurting his leg. This is an obstacle as well as a good thing because if it didn't happen Anne and Dick would not have gotten lost and Dick wouldn't have got the message.
"He's hurt himself somewhere," said George anxiously. (Blyton 25)
 They walked over to the nearest village hoping Timmy would walk it off but it just got worse. They stoped at the village and asked if there was a vet. There wasn't but tere was a man who was good with animals and he fixed Tim's leg.

The second obstacle was  fact that Maggie and Dirty Dick came to the lake and kept chasing the children away.
"Stop this nonsense. People aren't allowed here. Clear out before we make you!" (Blyton 137)
The children  ended up staying at the lake because of Julian who acted like a grown up and thought of a good argument quickly.
"Why are you here, then , if people aren't allowed?" asked Julian, and a hard tone came into his voice. "Don't talk to us like that." (Blyton 138)

North of Nowhere

Liz Kessler, finished the book, 217/217
One of the obstacles that the main character had to go through is trying to find her friends brother and the girl who has been writing the diary that Mia (the Maine character) found. She had to travel across seas to go save them and they are only about 12. They had to go back to there island to get help though the lifeguards and the other people at first did not believe them. Then they saw how serious they looked so they went to help and when they got to the other island the kids were no longer there. They had no idea where they went but they were gone there was nobody on the island. They got back and they realized....................

Quote: "I held my breath. I think everyone else did, too. The world held it's breath and nothing moved; not the air, not a blink, nothing. Time stood still. Maybe literally. By now, i would have believed that anything could happen." (Said by Mia)

The Mystery of the London eye

The Mystery of the London Eye
by Siobhan Dowd
pages 312
read 312/312

The main character Ted has faced many obstetrical while looking for his lost cousin Salim. One obstacle he faces was finding out how his cousin dissapered from the London eye. He went in the capsule and never came out. He has some theories but he does't know which one is correct. Another obstacle that he faced was to testing his theories to see which one could possibly have happened. He tried all 8 of his theories to see which one could happen. One quote Ted said was "I have eight theories" I said Kat was impressed "Wow eight different theories." this was on page 103 paragraph 3

Saturday, September 28, 2013

mystery novel obstacles

Confessions of  a Murder Suspect
by: James Paterson
I'm done reading the book.
One obstacle Tandy meets is that she is a suspect herself and so she has to find out all the info because the police wont tell her anything. Anther obstacle she reaches is that she gets put in jail for not telling the police that the Ambassador of  Bhutan had eaten dinner with them and that set her back a few days and the press swarms her when she gets out.

"But what if they're...necessary,or something? I've never not taken my pills. Malcolm and Maud would give us Big Chops for it." -James Patterson  39%

(Big Chop = a severe punishment most of the time including reciting information in a short amount of time or physical labor of some kind) 

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Thirteen Treasures

The Thirteen Treasures
Michelle Harrison

     The two main obstacles that the main characters Tanya and Fabian went through are that the people of Tickey End believe that Fabian's grandfather Amos has killed/ had caused the disappearance of Morwenna Bloom. Fabian cannot live without knowing the truth so he insists on finding Morwenna. "Amos is old. Whatever he did or didn't do, he's surely paid for it. Maybe it should be forgotten" " How can I forget? It's all I can think about! You know as well as I do that there's something strange about all this---I want to find out the truth. I thought you did too." (Harrison 248). The next most important obstacle is that Tanya does not understand who she is or why she has the second sight. She just doesn't know why she is like that and why her family seems to hate her and not like it when she is around. She never knows why until the night she meets the true Morwenna Bloom.

The A.B.C Murders

Title: The A.B.C Murders, Author: Agatha Christie, Number of Pages Read: 92/228

Hercule Poirot and Mr. Hastings stand upon an obstacle when they are trying to decide whether they should make the pattern of the A.B.C murders to the public or not. Well, now they are left no choice but reveal it to the public because of the third murder of Sir Carmichael Clarke. "Eh bien," said Poirot. "It is possible that publicity may do what private efforts have failed to do. the whole country now will be looking for A.B.C." (Christie 90)
I read Katarina's post and I have figured that if the main person in my book was to fall in love with a relative of one of the victims, he would probably deny it to himself and force himself to forget about it. He also has a wife in South America, so it's not very likely that he will fall in love with someone else.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

What's the Word ISB 7?: You Killed Wesley PayneKatarina Markovic        ...


Katarina Markovic                                                                           9/26/2013

Title: You Killed Wesley Payne, Author: Sean Beaudoin, Number of pages read/total: 328/328. 
The main character has many obstacles on the way to finding out who killed Wesley Payne, but one major one is when he starts falling in love with Wesley Payne's sister Macy but because she was a client he couldn't be with her. This specific example has been shown on page 157 of the book. The second obstacle that the main character Delton has gone over was when he had found the body of Wesley Payne in his basement and when he turned the body was missing but he really needed it to find out if he actually did commit suicide or did somebody kill him. This example is shown on page 111 of the book. When he lost the body he went up to his dad asking, "Hey, Dad. Did you see anything weird go by?".