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Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Hound of the Baskerville #4

The Hound of the Baskervilles
Arthur Conan Doyle

I am not yet in the part of the book where the characters are most active, so I will explain the events that Sherlock Holmes ran into so far.

Obstacle 1 (Main problem that Holmes has to solve)
Sir Charles Baskerville met a sudden death of mystery. Sherlock Holmes was very interested with the case when Dr Mortimer said, 'Mr Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound!' -From the end of chapter 2. Sherlock confessed to Sir Henry Baskerville that the case is very complex and cuts deeper than other five hundred cases that he has handled. Currently, they have discovered that Dr Mortimer was followed by Sir Charles's butler called Barrymore. Sherlock Holmes seemed to got something as he heard about Sir Charles's will and the heir to the estate.

Obstacle 2
Sherlock Holmes met the cabman who drove the spy who was watching them the other day. The cabman's name is John Clayton and have driven his No. 2704 cab this seven years. The man was surprised when Sherlock asked him about the fare who spied. Clayton confessed that the man told him that he was a detective and the name was Sherlock Holmes.

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