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Saturday, September 14, 2013


Edward Bloor

40/ 294

This book is taken place in Tangerine, Florida during the present time but they never say the year. There is always citrus and vegetable trees. The neighborhood Paul lives in is Lake Windsor Downs. It is one of the more "wealthy neighborhood". What is odd to Paul is that everyday, all day he see's no kids playing outside. Yet when it is the first day of school, there is more than 15 kids waiting in the neighborhood for the bus. He even rarely goes out because of the terrible smoke from the burning of muck next door. It is also always raining and flooding. When he goes to school, it is no different. The classrooms are in mobile rooms and it is hard for him to go from one class to another. And all his teachers think he has a problem because of his glasses. His mother told them that it is hard for him to see. But that is not true. The group of students always seem to be sad, or bored. Paul doesn't like it very much so far.


  1. Really cool Celine! I like how you wrote this blog post. I think your book is pretty interesting. :)

  2. I think you described the rainy mood really well, your post was really interesting!

  3. The book sounds interesting and I don't think that I would like to live where he lives. :)
