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Thursday, February 27, 2014


Mai Ness
Blog Post #3
Veronica Roth
No. of pages read 526/526

This blog post may contain spoilers... If you have not read Allegiant (or the Divergent series) and want to you probably don't want to read this post... yeah...

Allegiant Conflicts
The main character, Tris, is challenged with many different obstacles during this book. The first set is that she figures out that all she has known, her world, her city, the system her people live by, was all an experiment. She feels uncomfortable knowing that everything she has ever known was phony. Another obstacle she has to overcome is that the Bureau of Genetic Welfare (the organization that created the experiments) has created some fault in them and now has to clear the data, which requires refreshing citizens' memories. Tris does not want this to happen, and therefore tries to rebel secretly. Tobias also discovers something big about himself during this time period and also takes action in a way. Everything is messed up and nobody knows which side to take. Would they rather lose freedom, or everything they'd ever known?

Quote: " Your genes are still damaged, but you have a genetic anomaly that allows you to be aware during simulations" (Roth 176) This is explaining Tobias's discovery, and it changes the way he reacts to things. The story is told from 2 people's view - Tris and Tobias. So one of the main characters finding out something this big is important in this stage of the Novel

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Gathering Blue

Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry
 This week I have read 215/215 pages

I have finished the book  in the February break.

Kira, Thomas, Matt and his dog Branch discover a orphan girl who is called Jo  who is singing really good down at the quarters. Thomas and Kira decide to help  her. The two of them are wondering what has happened to Matt so they go on a discovery to find the blue. Then Thomas gives a speech because it is the Gathering and Jo has dinner with Kira and Thomas in the quarters . While the three of them find Matt who has found the blue.Kira Thomas and Matt go back and Kira see's her father again who name is Christopher and was not taken by beast's by men. Matt has to try to find Kira's father a place to stay and Kira is holding the blue yonder in her hand and she is thinking about something.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Catching Fire ( Hunger Games 2 )

Feb , 24, 2014

Suzanne Collins

174 ( one the  computer )

In my novel for Katniss the main obstetrical is to survive the Hunger Games and to keep Peeta her boyfriend alive. In the arena she will have to fight to the death and by that keep Peeta alive. If she succeeds she will save her family and friends from the Capital. The Capital is threatening to kill Katnissis family and friends if she douse not sows love for Peeta. On the other hand she is in love with Gale. She says that he is her cousin.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The novel I am reading is Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone by J.K Rowling. This book has 309 pages. HArry Potter goes through Halloween where a huge giant is let inside Hogwarts by Professor Quirell when everyone thought Professor Snape did it turns out that Vouldemort is at the back of Professors Quirells head. Harry instead of going up to his and Rons room up in the Griffindor cabin he and Ron went to find Hermione who was very upset and who was missing. They went through the Forbidden Forest, through the trapdoor and the man with two faces. 

Delirium #4

by Lauren Oliver

Delirium Cover
     An obstacle that Lena, the protagonist of my novel, is that the community she lives in does not allow love, and Lena falls in love with a guy named Alex. Lena and Alex overcome this together by keeping their love secret from everyone except from Lena's best friend. Another obstacle Lena has to overcome is the shock of finding out that her mother is alive and that she had escaped from the Crypts. The third obstacle is at the end of the book. It is when Lena and Alex have to run away from the community and into the wilds, and the community's security is chasing them. In the end, only Lena escapes.

     There are a lot of obstacles that I have not mentioned in this blog post. However, I thought that these obstacles from my novel were the most important and had the largest impact on Lena's life.

     Also see my last three blog posts:
Delirium #3
Delirium #2
Delirium #1

Ender's Game: obstacles

Ender's Game
Orson Scott Card

What are some of the obstacles that the protagonist is faced with? What do they do to overcome these obstacles? 

Ender faced many obstacles and most of them were set up by the adults (in high positions of battle school, command school and the government). Ender also had great inner conflict about Peter (older brother) and Valentine (older sister).

By adults & school
  • He got singled out on purpose as soon as he entered the battle school. Colonel Graff pointed out Ender as the smartest kid and made other kids hate him. 
    • He acted normally and helped out other kids from bullies. He also proved himself smart but kept being polite. So he made some good friends.
  • As soon as he started to make friends and was having a good time, he was moved to another army where the older kids were. The leader of the army: Salamander called Bonzo disliked Ender very much and wouldn't let him do anything: wouldn't let him learn nor practice nor participate in a game.
    • Ender showed some rebel in front of the whole army and got to talk with Bonzo privately. Ender offered Bonzo a very good deal that if Bonzo let him practice, he would be replaced into another army faster and would listen to Bonzo's commands and that Bonzo can go tell the army that he won the arguement so that he can keep his dignity as a commander. Bonzo agreed and Ender was able to learn from Petra (only girl in the Salamader army, nice, skilled shooter, smart).
  • In the battle school, he was playing a simulation game where his character is exploring to find the fairyland. But he couldn't go pass the giant. He had to pick one of the two drinks in front of the giant and one would let it pass and the other would kill the character. He played many times but wasn't able to pass. The adults wanted to see how Ender deals with frustration and what he would do, because nobody was able to pass the giant's drink.
    • This time, Ender didn't choose a drink. He knocked it over and started to dig through his eyes. He killed the giant instead of choosing a drink. Path opened and his character was able to enter the fairyland. The adults and Ender himself were very surprised.
  • Ender is the commander of the Dragon army and they were doing outstandingly great in battles. The adults schedule games unrealistically and unfairly, to push Ender and his army to the edge and topple them.
    • Ender comes up with brilliant strategies. He respects, embraces, and encourages his army. His army wins every single battles that are very unfair for him to prove the adults that he wouldn't give up and lose. And because of this behavior, Ender is moved to the command school.

Peter (this is more of a inner conflict of Ender rather than an obstacle in his way)
  • Peter is Ender's older brother who is also an "indirect/internal" antagonist because they don't meet each other in the book except for just a little in the beginning for introducing Peter and Ender's relationship. Ender's antagonist is not Bonzo, not Colonel Graff, not Stilson, nor any other characters who bothers him. They can't be, because Ender has a very strong mind and also a strong body to defend himself. But Peter, just plays with his mind even though he is doing nothing to Ender. It is Ender, realizing what he is doing, and what he is doing is just like Peter: destructive. Ender is afraid that he is no different from Peter as he finds himself hurting others: breaking kid's arm, destroying Stilson and Bonzo (turns out that they both died). Peter, who would beat up little Ender, cut up squirrels, and kill innocent small living things has infected Ender with fear.
    • Ender cannot overcome this inner conflict as he knows that he is like Peter and hates to accept it.
      • In the end, Ender and his friends takes their last exam game in the International Fleet which is very hard. All of the moves they made were risky and they lost many planes. Ender finally wins the game but then they are told that it wasn't a game, that it was the actual and the last war against the buggers. Ender is shocked that he had killed all of the buggers, that he destroyed an entire species and that he had killed the soldiers on the planes he had lost. Ender feels horrible, he feels like he is worse than Peter. 
        • In the bugger's planet he discovers an egg of the queen bugger in a cave which he decides to protect and carry around. This one bugger that survived messaged Ender that he is different from Peter.
Jihyun Park
February 23, 2014


Scot Westerfeld
# of pages: 425
(Finished the book)

There are certainly a lot of obstacles that the protagonist Tally, in my book has had to overcome. The main obstacle that left a huge impression on me was that Tally has to choose between being pretty and her friend Shay. Of course, the authorities have gave Tally this kind of choice and she had to choose. Never be pretty again, but have a friend, Shay. Or find her friend and turn her in, then finally become a pretty. It was very hard when you know that you want both shay and be pretty, but that's not possible. It would all be different if Shay wanted to be pretty, but she just didn't. When Shay had ran away, Tally had to learn so many new things that were in the pretties side. Tally overcame this main, big obstacle, by choosing to never be pretty,but have her friend Shay back. It took sometime for Tally to think, and realize what is more important. This surely is true friendship. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

Title: The Lightning Thief
Author: Rick Riordan

The protagonist in this book, Percy Jackson, has been faced with numerous obstacles, all of the same nature: mythical beings attempting to kill him. Most have no real reason to harm him (the Minotaur, the Chimera and the Echidna, and Procrustes) but there are others that have motives. The Furies attacked Percy, Annabeth, and Grover on the bus when they were trying to retrieve Hades's Helm of Darkness. The hellhound was summoned by a person inside the camp which revealed that someone inside the camp was trying to kill Percy. It can also be theorized that Medusa wanted to kill Percy, Annabeth, and Grover because Annabeth is a daughter of Athena and is trying to get revenge. the most interesting obstacle was Ares. He appeared as a good guy, despite sending Percy to the amusement park where he knew Hephaestus's prank was set up, giving Percy, Annabeth, and Grover backpacks with Oreos, fresh clothes, and money and also providing them with transportation to Los Angeles. But later in the story, it turns out that Ares tried to frame Percy by putting the Master Bolt in the backpack he gave Percy.

Friday, February 21, 2014

A Wrinkle in Time

Blog Post
By: Madeleine L’ Engle
Number of pages: 250/300


What are some of the obstacles that the protagonist is faced with?
The book starts with two main characters, Meg and Charles Wallace, struggling to fit in. Children in their environment do not understand them, so they feel like outcasts. Sadly, they have no self-confidence to prove others wrong, plus it seems like they chose not to care. They are very involved in their personal problems; their father has been missing for two years now. The only concern they have is if and when their father will come back.

What do they do to overcome these obstacles?
Charles Wallace becomes a friend with three strangers living in their neighborhood - Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which. These three ladies invite children to a strange journey through different dimensions, promising they will help Charles and Meg find their father.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Hunger Games

By: Katarina Markovic                                                                                                                2/18/2014

Title: The Hunger Games, Author: Suzanne Collins, 147/375. 
One of the obstacles that the protagonist Katniss had to face with was the fact that she will never be sure if Peeta is her friend actually or is he trying to sabotage her. On the interview night she was sitting with the other contestants and listening to Peetas interview. Once he said that he has a crush on her she was completely  embarrassed and confused because she didn't know how is that possible. Later on after the interviews she pushed Peeta so  hard that he fell and cut himself on a broken vase. She yelled at him and then found out that it was all a plan to get her more sponsors. She apologized and realized that he does want to help her and that he does not want to betray her in any way. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Frankenstein #4

Tittle: Frankenstein w/ SAT vocabulary words + definitions
Author: Mary Shelley
Pages Read: 349/ 429

Probably the biggest obstacle the protagonist, Victor Frankenstein faces is the fact that he has to live with himself. He realizes that he is the cause of dozens of innocent deaths. Through the way he also notices how him being miserable, is affecting others, while feeling sorry for himself he feels sorry for himself too. While Frank. Creation had considered suicide, Frankenstein doesn't. In my opinion he is so overcome with feeling of fear and anger he feels the responsibility of ridding the world of the monster that he had created. This leads us to the assumption that another obstacle Frankenstein has to overcome is killing his creation.

Frankenstein #3

Tittle: Frankenstein w/ SAT vocabulary words + definitions
Author: Mary Shelley
Pages Read: 252/429

The story consists of 3 volumes in which separate conflicts occur. In the first one, Victor Frankenstein finds out to be "capable of bestowing animation upon lifeless matter". And so, he puts all efforts into constructing a prototype of a man. 
In the second part of the book, the conflict is in fact is not about Frankenstein, but rather his creation. Frankensteins creation seeks human interaction, he marvels man, and is so hopeful to learn more about human culture, that he risks his identity being found and once again being pushed away from his greatest want. And so, this need is what Frank. Creation is trying to achieve, which is the conflict in this section.
Through the last and final section of the book, Frank. Creature demands that Frankenstein create him a mate, and when Frankenstein resist. He kills Victors friend, and gets Victor convicted for the murder, promising Frakenstein that he will utterly destroy his life, because his creator is not worth living a joyful life, while his creation is depressed and has no one to share his life with. As I have just begun the 3rd volume, I just have a hypothesis of what the conflict will be.
I think all of the story will end by Frankenstein being murdered by his own handwork. 


I chose to read Christopher Paolini's Eragon for my book report. I have finished the book (739/739 pages) and it is very compelling. However in this book there are many obstacles that arise preventing Eragon, the main character from reaching the varden. The two most momentous obstacles are as follows; Firstly while Eraon is attempting to reach the varden, there are two odd creatures known as the ra'zac trying to capture him. The ra'zac do infact capture him but he manages to escape with the help of another character known as murtagh. A quick description of the rz'zac would be 50% bird 50% human. The next obstacle is a sort of combination of two. This is that Eragon has to cross the desert of Surda and the second in this obstacle is that he is being chased by a group called the kull which is an  elite group of warriors from the race of the urgals which are mixtures of rams and humans and are extremely powerful. He gets through this obstacle simply by conjuring liquid from the ground (It is a fantasy book) and the second is solved by reaching the impenetrable walls of farthen dur where the varden is held up.

Enders game

Enders Game
By: Orson Scott Card\
Read 40 pages
page 160/226


                         One of the obstacles my protagonist Ender has gone through is in the begging of the book people from the battle school came to Enders house and had told him that they saw how he had hurt the kid that was about to beat him up. The people or commanders had come to Enders house to ask him if he wanted to come then Ender had to make a tough decision. He had to chose to go and not see his family or come back until he is 18 or stay with his family. He chose to go to the school though now he is regretting that choice. He chose to go because the commander that had come was telling him that he was only a third and that his parents nor sibling will miss him especially Peter his older brother that could have killed him many times. Though what that commander said was a total lie. Now he had to leave battle school three years early since he had outgrow there expectations and now he has to take on the real enemy the buggers. Ender is stronger then the buggers everyone knows that he had his own army and they didn't lose a single battle and neither did he. Ender has also had to deal with many bullies since he is the best and they just don't want to admit that they think that they will be able to beat him though he is unstoppable. The latest fight he had was against Bonzo, Ender did win even though the fight was unfair Bonzo is three years older and did have a gang with him though he did not let them fight too. Ender was almost killed though he managed to knock Bonzo right out. That same day Ender woke up from his nap screaming thinking he was a killer then some commanders came in his room and told his that he was leaving the school to be a real commander. After he had left he heard that a kid was killed it was the second kill in the school's history though this time it was a murder.   

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hold Me Closer Necromancer

Hold Me Closer Necromancer
Lish McBish
pages 343
read 343/343
Some of the obstetrical that my protagonist m protagonist has faced is that he has been held in a cage y the antaganist and being held in a cage prisoner by the antagonist and being train so that the antaganist can kill him and steal his power. He gets out of the cage by getting help from a spirit that another necromancer that he knows sent to help him and train him but to not kill him. But since nothing is free Ashley the spirit  asks for one thing in return....Waffles. She wants one waffle ever day for six months natural they accept.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Gathering Blue

Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry.
This week I have read 121/ 215 pages.

The story happens in future/past I am not really sure. I think this because some of the story happens a long time ago before and some happens right now. Kira is a girl with a twisted leg has no parents because they died. She is  good doing stuff  with her hands and has a friend called Matt. Just a reminder this is the Second Giver Book and it is really good and I hope you like it.

In chapter twelve  a boy called Jamison goes to see Kira's work in the quarters. She is thinking about the threads and the beasts wondering to ask her friend Matt  which she does not do. She wants to try to find Matt and his dog Branch because it is awful weather outside. She goes to find Thomas and both of them start talking about animals. Suddenly they find Matt and Branch in a corridor.The three of them have a great idea to go exploring so they follow Matt's dog Branch down the stairs to the bottom.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Matilda blog post #2

Matilda was 5 and a half when she started school. She was a little late in starting school because her parents didn't apply in. She was put in the bottom class. The principal was a horrible middle age woman Miss Trunchbull. Everybody was scared of her , teacher and the children. She used to be a famous athlete and she kept  her muscles.She was a massive arrogant woman who looked more like follower of the stag-hounds than the usual principal. Matilda's teacher, Miss Honey was a mild and quiet young lady.She looks fragile like a porcelain figure. Miss Honey found out very soon that Matilda was a genius. She knew math, she enjoyed reading Charles Dickens and she made particular type of poetry ( limerick ) about Miss Honey. Miss Honey tried to explain to Miss Trunchbull how brilliant Matilda was, and that they should place her in the top grade of the 11-year olds. The principal didn't listen to that, a few days before she bought a second-hand car from Matilda's father and she was delighted with that businessman . He told the principal that his daughter was a real wart and if anything bad ever happened in school it would be Matilda's fault. After failing to convince the principal that Matilda deserved  to be treated differently Miss Honey decided to go to see Matilda's parents and have a secret talk with them. She fell confident that she would have no difficulties in convincing her parents that Matilda was really special.  Unfortunately  she was  wrong they were rude,impolite and show no interest in Matilda's education at all. Miss Honey was determined to find the way to help Matilda. She choose textbooks for Matilda to study and a girl could ask her all the questions she wanted. Matilda had a friend from the class it was a tiny skinny little girl, Lavender. One day they were together in the school yard when an older girl, Hortensia, came up to them and she told them that Miss Trunchbull hated small children and treated them badly. She had a lock-up closet where she put the children, it is very tall but very narrow so you can't sit , you have to stand. The problem is that there are bits of broken glass sticking out all over the walls so you can't lean on. Hortensia was punished many times and put in that closet. As a revenge she put the special skin-scorcher n the principal's gym knickers. That made her rushed out of the room in the middle of the lords prayers. Ms Trunchbull used to throw the hammer for Britain in the Olympics and she was very proud of her right arm. She practiced by throwing children. Once she flung a boy through the open classroom  window and the next time she thew a little girl over the play-yard into the grass. The only girls fault was that she had plaited pigtails. She did it pretending to be at the Olympics, grabbed  the girls pigtails starting swinging her around faster and faster and send her like a rocket in the sky. But the awful principal was really disappointed when she didn't succeeds to humiliate a little boy. First she accused him of having eaten her piece of cake which he denied. In front of the other children she made him eat a huge cake. She thought he would cried beg her to forgive him even he would be very sick and throw up. On the contrary he ate it up all,the children shouted and cheered and she furiously crashed the empty plate on the floor.

Gathering Blue #2

The book I am reading for the third quarter is the second book from "The Giver Quartet" written by Lois Lowry. This book has 241 pages and I read 74/241 pages all together. 

Protagonist: Kira (human)

Kira is a teenage girl who is an orphan in the village. Her mother, Katrina died from an illness and her dad, Christopher also died before she was born; she believed that he had been taken by 'beasts'. Kira is very talented, but because of her twisted leg, it is very hard for her to move around but she never gives up. 


-Strong (on the inside)
-Hard Worker



"But she would find a way. Somehow she would build a cott. Then she would find a way to make life." (Lowry 3)

Antagonist: Vandara (human)

Vandara is one of the most evil, and powerful person in the village. She hates Kira and wanted to take her and her family's land so that she can use it. She also escaped from the 'beasts' and has a huge scar on the neck. She is also tall, muscular, and has tangled hair.




"She was known, and respected. Or feared." (Lowry 17)

"The woman was tall and muscular, with long, tangled hair pulled back roughly and tied with a thong at the back of her neck." (Lowry 17)

"The ragged scar that marked her chin and continued down her neck to her broad shoulder was said to be a remnant of a long-ago battle with one of the forest creatures." (Lowry 17)

Sunday, February 9, 2014


The book that I decided to read Eragon by Christopher Paolini and I have since finished the book. In this particular fantasy book the main conflict is rather simple. There is a cruel emperor known as Galbatorix who controls all of Alageasia an there is the varden a group of rebels trying to overthrow Galbatorix. Eragon is siding with the Varden and is trying to fight Galbatorix. As or how I think it ends, in this book all that happens is that Eragon gets to the varden and since I haven't finished the series I don't know if he is successful or not. As for a guess I think Galbatorix will be overthrown.

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

Title: The Lightning Thief
Author: Rick Riordan
Number of pages read: BOOK COMPLETE

The main conflict of the story is that Percy Jackson is trying to retrieve the Master Bolt from the Underworld in order to prove his innocence and in turn prevent the destruction of the world caused the battle of Poseidon and Hades. He must do so by the summer solstice. I have already finished the book but even before I did I knew that Percy was going to complete his quest. I even suspected Luke of being the thief but the plot twist came when he revealed he was working for Kronos and that he had convinced Ares to become part of his plan as well.

The Sea of Monsters #2

Blog Post #2, The Sea of Monsters, rich Riordan, pages read: 95

Percy Jackson is the protagonist of my book. he is a human but he has special powers. his father is Poseidon which means he is a sort of god known a s a demigod. he lives in camp half blood.
the Antagonist is Luke, his ex-friend from camp half blood (where demigods live) who is now turned to the evil side in which he is trying to get the possession of the golden fleece to free an evil monster, while Percy and his friends want it for a girl who is the tree in which it shields camp half-blood.

"Nice Work Tyson!" 92 Riordan. shows that percy is nice and is a good guy.

The novel I am reading is Harry Potter and the Sorcerers stone written by J.K. Rowling but  I have finished the book. This novel has 309 pages. The conflict in this novel is that Harry's parents were killed by Voldemort  and Voldemort is trying to find the Sorcerers stone to make his life last longer. Voldemort doesn't really have a body now all this time he has been at the back of Professor Quirrell's  head looking around Hogwarts to see if he finds anything. Ron, Hermione and Harry found out about the stone that was hidden in the Gringott's Wizardry Bank in Vault 713. The three would know this because when Harry went to the Wizard Market to get everything he needed but he and Hagrid stopped by the bank to get money that his parents left for him and also got the stone. Harry shared the news with Hermione and Ron and they have been wanting to find the hidden stone. 

This novels conflict was resolved by Harry meeting Professor Quirrell and Voldemort who was at the back of his head. Voldemort/ Quirrell gave Harry a mirror so he could tell Voldemort where he can find the stone off course Harry is smart and didn't tell him where it was he lied that he has won the House Cup For Gryffindor but actually he saw that the red stone was in his pocket. Harry's skin was very hot and if Quirrell touched him he would suffer a lot so Harry put his hands on Quirrells face and burned him also Voldemort. But actually Voldemort's face wasn't really vapor. That's how this novel ended. If you want my opinion you should really read this book because it is full of exciting things. 

I am reading a science-fiction book called “Ender’s Game” by Orson Scott Card and so far I read 219/396 pages.

The main character in my novel is named Ender Wiggin and he is from America. He is six years old when he is sent to the battle school in space. That’s the place where the most intelligent kids in the world go to train so that one day they become military commanders. He loves his sister, Valentine, but hates his brother, Peter. He doesn’t like violence though his whole life is about violence. Ender also analyzes things in extreme detail since he is very intelligent and thanks to that quality he always wins in strategy games. I imagine him tall (for his age) but skinny, with blond hair and pale skin.

Ender at age of six beats up a boy pretty badly, and hates himself for having been so violent:

“Kicking him in the groin, kicking him repeatedly in the face and body when he was down-it sounds like you really enjoyed it” “I didn’t” Ender whispered. (Orson Scott Card page 46)

In the book they don’t talk much about the antagonists which are the buggers. The buggers are aliens (that look like bugs) who invaded Earth and who took millions of human lives. Planet Earth was able to repel the buggers and since then, humans are preparing to withstand the buggers again. The buggers use their minds to communicate among themselves. The single buggers don't take any decisions.  They blindly do everything that their queen decides.  Everything each of the buggers sees and feels, the queen immediately sees and feels herself.  I imagine the buggers like ants but a thousand times bigger.

This quote shows us how violent the buggers can be:

 “Cheer up. The buggers may kill us all before he graduates.” (Orson Scott Card page 65)

“Ender’s Game” by Orson Scott Card #2

I am reading a science-fiction book called “Ender’s Game” by Orson Scott Card and so far I read 219/396 pages.

The main character in my novel is named Ender Wiggin and he is from America. He is six years old when he is sent to the battle school in space. That’s the place where the most intelligent kids in the world go to train so that one day they become military commanders. He loves his sister, Valentine, but hates his brother, Peter. He doesn’t like violence though his whole life is about violence. Ender also analyzes things in extreme detail since he is very intelligent and thanks to that quality he always wins in strategy games. I imagine him tall (for his age) but skinny, with blond hair and pale skin.

Ender at age of six beats up a boy pretty badly, and hates himself for having been so violent:

“Kicking him in the groin, kicking him repeatedly in the face and body when he was down-it sounds like you really enjoyed it” “I didn’t” Ender whispered. (Orson Scott Card page 46)

In the book they don’t talk much about the antagonists which are the buggers. The buggers are aliens (that look like bugs) who invaded Earth and who took millions of human lives. Planet Earth was able to repel the buggers and since then, humans are preparing to withstand the buggers again. The buggers use their minds to communicate among themselves. The single buggers don't take any decisions.  They blindly do everything that their queen decides.  Everything each of the buggers sees and feels, the queen immediately sees and feels herself.  I imagine the buggers like ants but a thousand times bigger.

This quote shows us how violent the buggers can be:

 “Cheer up. The buggers may kill us all before he graduates.” (Orson Scott Card page 65)