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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Five Little Pigs Blog Post 4

 Tittle: Five Little Pigs (Murder in Retrospect)
Author: Agatha Christie
Pages Read: 208/208

The two obstacles that the Mr. Paroit (main character) runs into through the story, are hard to tell since, the author in the book doesn't just  reveal most of the characters feelings, especially hes. I think that one of the obstacles that Mr.Paroit runs into is, that he has to figure out whether the people who are explaining what happened on the day of the murder are actually right. And the second obstacle would be that he has to imagine the scene of the murder, how it happened and ext., since the crime took place 16 years ago. Mr.Poirot trusts himself in doing hes job and doesn't reveal any other feelings in this whole book. So, that the quote that I found, where Mr.Pairot sees Carla Lemarchant for the first time, and when she explains him what she wants him to do, this is hes quote.
Quote: "One does not know, you know, employ merely the muscles. I do not need to bend and measure the footprints and pick up the cigarette end and examine the bend blats of grass. It s enough for me to sit back in my chair and think. It is this- he tapped hes egg shaped head- this, that functions."
This quote can be found in page 2 of the story...

1 comment:

  1. I like that you explained it in detail what are the obstacles and that you picked a really good quote.
