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Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Genre: Fantasy

A lot has happened but as I go along reading this book I love it more and more! So far the next day after Edward and Bella went to the forest he decided to introduce Bella to his family. Bella was not nervous that they were vampires she was nervous that they would not like her. But when she got there everyone was kind and nice to her, she liked Alice a lot. She also found out that Edward played piano, well he is great at everything. Later on after they are driving home, Bella seems happy but Edward tells her that he will be around for a while and that Alice an sense that some bad might be coming. When they get to the house they see Billy and Jacob there. Edward stays in the car and Bella gets out to greet them. Billy gives them a little dish for Bella's dad but then he asks if she is dating Edward Cullen. Bella says she is. Billy tells her to stay aay from him and the rest of the Cullen family. Bella says that it is none of his business. Later when her dad gets home he asks her what she did today, she said that she spent the day at the Cullens and got introduced to them. Her dad seemed surpirized but Bella stayed cool. He says that he is too old for her, but she says that he is in her grade and is really nice. So her father lets her.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very nice summary of what you read and sounds exciting!
