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Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien

The Hobbit 
Author: J.R.R Tolkien 
Number of Pages: 255

          I have finished this book: "The Hobbit." I really enjoyed this book which surprised me quite a bit. I don't usually read fantasy books and didn't think I would enjoy them as much as I do. I like the fact that this book had an immense amount of detail and there were no parts of this book that bored me. The book is basically about a hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, who goes on an adventure that is nothing like what he expected. The adventures purpose was for the dwarves to get back their home. On the way they encountered many obstacles. At the beginning of the book they stopped to rest for the night but unfortunate events followed on... Two of their horses had been taken by trolls! Once they had noticed this they sent ,Bilbo since he was meant to be "the burglar," to retrieve their horses.  He did pretty well until the trolls had noticed him (there were three trolls), and then had began to cook him. Just in time the dwarfs had come to save him. It kind of followed the same pattern, they started of well fighting the trolls, but they too eventually were getting cooked. This is the time when the only person who can help the problem is Gandalf, a wizard. Gandalf came and made the sun come out which makes the trolls turn into stone. Being the very cunning man/wizard he is he realized that the trolls hadn't been coming out lately and stay under their cave unless their are orcs nearby. That matter brings up another one of their obstacles, orcs, they are one of their biggest problems especially the "leader" orc who is white unlike the other orcs who are slimy black, dark greenish, etc. He was called "Azog." Thorin does not have a good past with him since in a huge battle Azog beheaded his father, the king. Azog brings a whole army of orcs with him and their wolve like creatures for their plan which was to also behead Thorin. The orcs thankfully don't succeed and the dwarves, hobbit, and wizard come out victorious, but just barely... Their main dilema though by far was a dragon, Smaug... 

Unknown word: "Thatched"
Definition:"Cover (roof or building) with straw or similar material."
Sentence using word: The roof of their brand new house was thatched.   
Page that word was on: 211


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really enjoyed your blog post! I like how you explained the part that you have read. You put a lot of details which is great. Nice job!

  3. Very good job! I wish I had this book!

  4. I really liked your blog post there is good detail in it. Good job!

  5. I really like the description in the blog post and the strong choice of words. I enjoyed reading your blog. I think you have understood the book and read it with deep detail.


    Really cool
