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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Eclipse/Breaking Dawn

I really enjoyed this entire series, they are just beautifully written. This week what I read was that Bella Swan got married to Edward Cullen and has recently become the new Ms. Cullen, Bella Cullen. When they go on their Honeymoon on a private Island that belongs to Edwards Adoptive mother, in Brazil, she gets pregant with a child. None of them ever imagined it even possible that a human can get pregant with a vampire, but it happened and this child grows very fast and is hurting Bella. Everyone wants to get the "thing", according to Jacob and Edward, out of her, but Rosalie is protecting Bella. Bella badly wants to keep the child, even if she is killing her. They realize that the baby likes blood, so Bella has to drink blood to fill her stomach for the baby. When she is born she is very smart and developes very fast, she is also beautiful. After she is born though, immediatly after, Edward turns her into a vampire. The reason is becuase if he didn't she wold not survive. Once Bella becomes a new born vampire she does some amazing things, she has this exceptionaly wonderful and great self control over hersef, she resisted human blood, her daughters, and charlies, and Jocobs blood. The really wierd part however is that Jacob has...imprinted on her baby girl. Bella is at first furious about it, and belive me, she stays furious. This is the part I liked to wrtie about, if you want to know the rest READ THE BOOKS!!!!! Their great, I reccomend them

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Im reading the first book! This book seems really exciting!
