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Monday, January 16, 2012

You Haven't Taught Until They Have Learned
By: John Wooden- teaching principles and practices
Pages: 141
Alex Lysicanova

During the last few days, I have started reading a book by John Wooden, which is based on his life and his ideas. Before I read this book, I was reading: All About the New Foundland Dog,this book talked about the characteristics, behaviors, fur, life stages and more about this specific breed. I read the book because we were planning to buy a dog, but that is not my point. Now that I started reading John Wooden's book, I understand that the book can be read by kids, but is not something everyone would appreciate. The book includes many pictures of John Woodens history and what he has been through, he used to be the coach of many successful basketball teams, and even thought he didn't change basketball, he changed the communities idea about basketball. He died a few years ago, at the age of 99, but there are many videos of him and quotes he said which inspired many people. I personally think John Wooden is a great person, he helped many people and has a great life. At school many teachers have mentioned him for his great skills and for who he was, I wish I would have had him s a coach once even thought I know it's not possible anymore. However, I haven't finished reading his book yet, and next week I will probably find one for a book report, but I hope to finish this book soon and re-post on how it ends.


  1. I really like your post cause its totally you!

  2. Yes, I could have guessed you had read something about basketball. I like that you said you wished he were your coach. Like Ajda said, it's really like you!
