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Monday, April 16, 2012

Book: Chic Girl
Author: Lucia Corna/Nadia Beretta

What is your style? Are you a sportive person, a girly girl, or a totally crazy looking girl? This is the perfect book for girls interested in fashion, probably not for the cool guys that are not interested in fashion. Which is why I suggest, if you a girl, sure read on, if not, then you might as well not read this book.At the beginning of the book, the author clearly invites you to read the book and tells you what your kind of to expect. The part I liked the most about this book, was that it has about 4 tests to take and see what your result is which is entertaining. Anyways, if I were to describe this book to someone, I would say it is mostly about tips of how to dress and what your clothing says about you. For example:
  • it has a chart  with multiple pictures of dresses, and it tells when the right moment is to wear them, how to wear them, what to wear them with etc.
  • It talks about different types of girls: the shop-aholic, the pop, the punk rocker, the one dressed to kill, party girl,trend chic, alternative swapper, and the sporty and fun. For all of these there is information such as: the stuff you have in your closet, the right pet for you, the :must" in your beauty case, colors that fit you and accessories.  
                                            Are you a party girl?:
                                                        Or maybe a girly girl?:

 Or maybe you even recognize yourself here?
 What about this oneee?

This book basically covers all parts of girl clothing, it talks about the different types of clothing such as for shoes. It compares and contrasts the different show types, talks about how you have to be dressed if you want to wear them etc. This book is not one of my favorite, because it doesn't have a story behind it and I am not a fashionista, since most of the time I only wear sport shorts and either an Adidas or Nike jacket.However I do believe that this book could come in handy if I ever start being interested in fashion and wanted some tips. After all, this book is a unique one because it really talks to the reader and engages him/her(probably her) but it is only entertaining for a special type of people.

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