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Sunday, March 3, 2013

13 Treasures

Title: 13 Treasures
Author: Michelle Harrison
Number of pages: 350

This book ends shortly after its climax, when Morwenna Bloom (antagonist) is about to send Tanya (the main protagonist) into the fairy realm, she is miraculously saved when, Fabian (son of Tanya's grandmother's caretaker) goes back to Elvesden Manor and finds Morwenna's lock of hair that she gave to Amos (Fabian's grandfather) before going into the fairy realm. If the lock of hair was burnt Morwenna would quickly become old, because the existence of the lock kept her young for 50 years, while she was in the fairy realm. This is why Fabian destroys the lock of hair and Morwenna begins to age quickly. Also Tanya finds out that the creatures who she thought were disturbing her were actually trying to keep her safe and that her grandmother, Florence, was strict and unwelcoming to Tanya because it was dangerous for her to stay there. 

1 comment:

  1. a lot of detail and also very well written blog. I enjoyed it :P
