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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Allegiance - Jakub

Timothy Zahn
Number of Pages=373

This week I am reading Star Wars Allegiance which is about an Imperial Space Fleet that is heading to destroy the planet Teardrop full of pirates and gun dealers. Han Solo together with his friends Chewbacca and Luke Skywalker have landed on the planet. As they take off a group of pirates open fire at them. While on the other hand an Imperial Star Destroyer is heading for the planet.

Unknown Word-Retaliation.
Definition- The word "retaliation" means to give back for something.

Sentence word was found in: "From the darkness of the Imperial Star Destroyer "Retaliation" silently emerged."

1 comment:

  1. Nice description of what is happening in your book also a good job for finding a new work
