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Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Seekers
Great Bear Lake
(By Erin Hunter)

"The Seekers" by Erin hunter ends with the group of bears, Lusa, Toklo, Kalik, Ujurak, Miki and Salik get to Great Bear Lake, the place they have all been searching for and start fighting with Taqqiq, Kalik's brother and his friends who try to kill Kalik and Miki, but Toklo, Lusa and Ujurak save them. After the fight, Salik warns Taqqiq to never visit Great Bear Lake again, for he will kill him. By doing this, the main characters solve all of their problems.

301 page 


  1. I really like your post! It's really confusing for me to remember those names but I would love to read the book. Good job!

  2. Nice blog post, the story seems very fascinating to read and the ending is well summarized.

  3. I cant wait to read next part of my book so lusa kallik and toklo are together in your book?

  4. Nice blog post the book seems to be interesting :) !!!!
