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Monday, April 16, 2012


The journey took a long time but when they finally made it Elzevir found that the well was in a castle, and that they weren't going to get in it easily. Since they could find no entrance they ask the person who cleans the wells to let them in and help them. He agrees but Elzevir is cause since he might take it from them, since after all it is worth a huge amount of money.Jhon goes down into the well and it was not clean at all, only on the surface it looked clean. Despite the awfulness of the smell he curiosity take over and he finds the diamond. After he get out of the well he holds it so the well cleaner and Elzevir see it. All of a sudden the well cleaner starts attacking them and goes to take the diamond but Elzevir pushes him down the well and they run. Since they wanted to see if it was real and what was it worth they find a famous diamond dealer along the way and Elzevir suggest that he should use the money to help Moonfleet. When they get to him they show him the diamond and he get the paper work ready and says it is worth 10 pounds because it is glass. Jhon quickly take it since he realized that the diamond dealer wanted the diamond. When he grabbed it the diamond dealer shouted for help. His guards came and Jhon and Elzevir start fighting. Eventually the police comes, and they believed the diamond dealer more so they took Jhon and Elzevir to jail.

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