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Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Haunted Mesa ~Petra

The Haunted Mesa
Louis L'Amour

This week I am reading The Haunted Mesa by Louis L'Amour. L'Amour is known for the 'Western' style of writing, as a lot of his books are about cowboys and explorers with a taste for adventure. The Haunted Mesa is about a man named Mike Raglan, who's occupation is picking out fact and fiction of 'magic' tricks. When Mike's friend, Erik Hokart, suddenly disappears, Mike is obligated to find him. This quest brings Mike into the world of the Anasazi and their home in another dimension, leaving him to grapple with forces on two sides of the universe to save his friend. The most interesting part, I find, is this part I'm at now, when Mike has crossed from his world into the Anasazis' and has just set out to where Erik is being held captive. He is about to enter ruins where he should find a map explaining how to find his friend, when he comes across a man who was lost to that world years ago. This is particularly exiting because this man had evaded capture by the antagonists of the story for very long, despite that opposing force being quite strong. I would recommend this book to people who like science fiction and fantasy, and who enjoy reading about the possibilities of our world not being the only one.

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