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Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Outsiders-Chapter 3

The Outsiders 
Author: S. E. Hinton 
Number of Pages: 180

In chapter 3 of "The Outsiders" Ponyboy's and Darry's relationship gets even worse and on the way back from the movies the greasers meet the socials once again. On the way back from the movies Ponyboy, Johnny, and Two-Bit were chatting to Marcia and Sherry/Cherry. All was going well until a car with six socs in pull up just behind them. Two of them come out of the car and start trying to fix the argument that they had with Marcia and Cherry. They said they were just a "little" drunk. Cherry shouted at them and saying that she will never go out with him again unless he learns to control his drinking habits. Cherry tells Ponyboy that they better leave and go with the socs, she says that she never wants to see Dallas again otherwise she will all in love with him. Ponyboy and Johnny decide to stay in the lot for a while and look at the stars. Ponyboy wasn't so sure of the time and he knew he had to be back at around 12 o'clock so he thought he has plenty of time. Both Johnny and Ponyboy fell asleep... Johnny had to wake Ponyboy up since it was way too late and he had to get back home or he would be in big trouble. He thought that Darry wouldn't have been awake and thought he could have sneaked through the house without anyone knowing he was out late. But, that wasn't the case. Darry was awake reading the newspaper on the armchair. When Ponyboy got into the house Darry started yelling at him and asking him where he had been. Ponyboy explained everything but Darry was still mad. Soda once again was defending Ponyboy and Darry was so mad and started to yell at Soda. Ponyboy started to defend Soda "You don't yell at him!" (Hinton, page 50). Then, Darry slapped him so hard that Ponyboy fell to the ground. Ponyboy wanted to escape and ran away to the lot. He woke Johnny up and they went to the park and walked around for a bit in order for Ponyboy to cool of. Ponyboy decided he would go back home after and he thought everything would get better...

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