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Friday, October 7, 2011

Confession of a Teenage Drama Queen

Author: Dyan Sheldon
Genre: Fiction, Young Adult
272 pages

What I first said about the book, that it is for younger kids, totally wrong!!! Now, I love it, and I don’t know why I didn’t do so at the beginning.
Last time I told you about Lola, her best friend Ella, about her school and about Carla Santini. Also, that there is a concert of her favorite band. Here is what happened:
Ella’s parents would never let her go to the concert, and especially not with Lola. Also it is in New York, the city which never sleeps. Lola asks her mum but she doesn’t allow it, either, so she pretends to don’t eat anything, until her mum lets her go. That nearly works, but then her mum finds the rest of some food that Ella gave to Lola. Ella wants to give up, but Lola convinces her to go without their parent’s permission. Lola doesn’t find a suitable dress, except the one for her theater premier but her teacher doesn’t allow her to borrow it. Sam, who also got Lola’s friend by now, helps her get the dress out of the closet. She doesn’t even think of it as “stealing”. Everything works, and Ella and Lola even make it to New York. They hope somebody will sell them tickets, but they forget their money in the train. They don’t get into the concert,  but they won’t give up. There is a secret party after the concert, just for VIP’s. Of course, Carla is going and so it’s clear for Lola that they are gonna go, too. But sadly, they also don’t get into the party. But then they find luck in the bad! Stu Wolff, the singer of Sidartha, and best writer after Shakespeare (so Lola) runs out of the building, very angry. Nobody follows him, but Ella and Lola. When they find him he is very drunk and has vomit all over him. They have some difficulties, but then they get him to trust them. If you wanna know the end, borrow the book from the library…

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