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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Twilight- Eclipse

Title- Twilight- Eclipse
Author- Stephanie Mayer
Genre- Romance
Page number- 515

The book "Eclipse" by Stephanie Mayer is pictured with the same characters but there are a few new ones who make the story even better then before. Edward Cullen and Bella Swan are still madly in love and after Edward left in book 2 "The New Moon" they've become even closer then before and nothing can break them apart. Bella is still a human being which means that she is a threat to the vampire world. If she was to expose the big secret everyone would be in danger and they would have to leave. The third book is, as I pictured it in a way a love triangle. Bella is in love with Edward but Jacob is in love with her. Bella struggles with this fact and would never forgive herself for hurting either of them. Unfortunately no one can have everything that they want which is why this is even harder for Bella. The Cullen family (including Bella) has many enemies. One of them is Victoria the evil vampire who would do anything to get revenge on Edward and his family for killing her soul mate James in book 1. She builds a new born army (an army made up of new born vampires) which can not control themselves. Their job is to find Bella and kill her. Jasper (one of the brothers) has been trained to fight against the new born vampires and trains his family along with the ware wolfs how to fight the evil. Although it is  interesting to learn they all see what can happen when you use the learning that you've got against the real danger. What happens next? Who gets hurt? Can they be ready in time? How will Bella survive, after all she is a human being.... Read the book "Eclipse" to find out!

1 comment:

  1. I love the movie, I watched it like a 100 times, but thanks to this blog post!! OMG I wanna read the book even if I am aware is long, you AJda read so much!!!
