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Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Last Lecture

I read The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch this week. I am on the fourth chapter of this book. This book is non-fiction. The main idea of this book is the author, Randy Pausch has been asked for a talk called "The Last Lecture". The one that a lot of professors do. Randy Pausch, a computer Science professor was asked for him to give "The Last Lecture". The thing was that it would actually be his last lecture. He has been diagnosed with terminal cancer recently. He has about two to five months of health left. Randy had three young children. Even though every moment was important to him and his family, he really wanted to give the talk. With a difficult agreement from his wife, he starts "The Last Lecture" titled "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams". 'Many people might expect the talk to be about dying. But it had to be about living.' -p.9

Randy Pausch giving the talk "The Last Lecture"


  1. Wow! I really like how you wrote this. I like how this blog post is detailed. I love non fiction books I might read it sometimes if you got it from the library,
    Good Job:)

  2. your already reading your non-fiction book ,smart

  3. This is a really impressive blog post, everything is mentioned, and described in detail. Though maybe could you have told us about this last lecture called "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams". Continuing on I just have one question. What is terminal cancer? Other than that though, really great blog post.

  4. Great job mentioning everything and how you have started reading your non-fiction book. Sounds like a great book you are reading.
