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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Enders game

Enders game
Author: Orson Scott card
Finnished the book read 226/226

In my book there is multiple  climax's. As well as each time he gets an obstacle and overcomes it he gets a new and it is always harder.Oone The event that leads up to it is when Ender goes home and Valentine comes to see him and she is instructed to make him want to fight and train more for when the Buggers invalid again and to think that everything is going to depend on him. Ender knows that other commanders put her up to it though he was not surprised when she actually managed to persuade him. He loved her he really did and still does so he took her word for it. Now even though he was only ten he had become a part of the army. They were training to fight the buggers and Ender thought he was not ready since he was a lot younger that everyone else but more skilled maybe even the best fighter. When they got to the school Ender did not know anybody and so he went to his room. He had a smaller room and not so many people a lot less then in battle school. He kept on having scary dreams about him murdering people or doing bad things to them. He really could not take it anymore though he didn't know what to do he couldn't just stop sleeping. The climax happens when Valentine persuades him and he is off to fight and train for the official army and the whole world might be in his hands when they fight against the buggers.  

(this is a picture of the zero gravity room where they train because the book takes place mostly in space) 


  1. i think you put a lot of details in to this post and it was very good but you should watch out for your spelling

  2. Your book sounds very fun and interesting! ♥

  3. You have written your blog post in great detail, and intrigued me to read the book. :) <3
