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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Born At Midnight By C. C. Hunter

Name of Book: Born At Midnight

By: C. C. Hunter

Number of total pages: 406

Number of Pages read: Finished the book

The main character in my novel is Kylie Galen. Kylie Galen is the main protagnist in the Shadow Falls series. For a majority of her life, she had always known that she was different from others. She just didn't know how different. She is 16 years old, she has blond hair and blue eyes, and her species is a chameleon (explanation in the book). One of Kylie's personality traits are is that she is very curious. She always had a burning question in her that was never truly answered: What am I? She doesn't have a clue about her heritage, she is discovering different types of powers that are within her, and trying to find answers to that one question. On page 209, she had a lot of questions for Holiday (assistant) about how to turn off her powers once and for all. In fact, they come usually during the night. It was hard for Holiday to answer all of her questions, and decided to wait for her to figure out by herself. 

1 comment:

  1. You wrote the blog post using a lot of details. I also like how you explained the situation. NICE JOB!
