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Sunday, January 20, 2013


The Quest begins

Author : Erin Hunter
Number of pages read: 125 - 293

In quarter three I am reading book Seekers, The Quest Begins. It is about three bears from different species - polar, black, and grizzly. They got separated from their families when they were only cubs. Each determined to survive in the harsh wilderness. Kallik (polar bear) needed to go on the land because of "burn sky", melting ice. On the way on land her mother died because Orca killed her and she got separated from her brother. Lusa (black bear) lives in zoo. She has lot of friends there and mother and father. Her mother almost got killed by flat - faces, but she survived the shock. Lusa is always playing with her friends Tobi and Stella. She is always asking her father about the wild because he lived in while and flat - faces brought him here, but he does not want to answer any question about the wild. She thinks that wild is so exciting and she wants to go there one way or another. Toklo have brother Tobi and mom Oka. They did not eat for a days and that is why the go to the river. On the way to river across the mountain Toklo's brother Tobi dies. So Oka and Toklo come to river and Toklo almost got killed by a male bear, so his mother told him that she had two cubs before him and they survived couple of moons, so she left him alone in river because she does not want to watch her cubs dying. 

Unknown word: Boulder

large rock

Sentence using it:
She lowered herself to he ground between two of the boulders and raised her had, as if she wanted to feel the sun on her shoulders. 

Page number: 121.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Nikola. Maybe you should include more details, but I liked yout blog post, keep going :)
