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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blog Post Week 6 By Alex Thomas Watts

Title: Inheritance
Author: Christopher Paolini
Genre: Fantasy
Pages Read: All of them: I couldn't find a specific number because it is an E-book and it just came out from the publisher.

This week I decided to read the last book of the Eragon Series and ordered Inheritance. It's different from the last book reports, I know.

Anywho, In Inheritance, Eragon is trying to save the land of Alesgaisea and defeat Galbatorix, a dragon rider who went bad and is extremely powerful. While his cousin, Roran, concurs cities and towns that are under Galbatorix's influence, Eragon learns more about magic, masters his mind and learns who he truly is. Eragon and his friends, Ayra, Orin, Orrik, Nasuada, Islanida, and not to mention his dragon, Saphira, who is connected in a mental lock, help finally vanquish Galbatorix for good!

One question remains: What will Eragon do when Galbatorix is gone? Read the book to find out! (I recommend reading all of the other books first though, other wise it's not the same)


  1. This series sounds interesting. I think I might have to read them soon.

  2. of course it has dragons in it, when we are talking about Alex. Alex it sounds very interesting and I would love to read the series some time. Good blog as well!
