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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Secret History of World War II

Matteo Cavic
Author: Non
The book of "The Secret History of World War 2 II" is published by Konecky. The book has no author because it is a pile of uncovered messages from the archives. These messages were between the Russian president Stalin, the American president Roosevelt and the British prime minister Churchill.These messages were about the treaties, armory, attacks and defenses. This explains how the allies defeated the axis of the occupation of Europe.
The first set of messages were between Stalin and Churchill, these messages were about how the Russians will join the war because of the Nazi invasion of Europe and Russia. The message also comments on the strong defenses in Russia against Hitler's armies and how to attack them and the description of armory against them. This letter took place on the 8th of July in 1941.
Tune in for more ground-breaking decisions and treaties.

1 comment:

  1. That is impresive there are always secrets in wars but you read them all!!! :D
