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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Title: The boy in the Striped Pyjamas 
Author: John Boyne
Pages: 216

This is a story of a nine year old boy called Bruno who lived at the time of the World War II.  His father was a proud soldier, and because of his job, they had to move from Berlin to another part of Germany far away from his home. Bruno was sad and lonely without his friends, and the house was in a very deserted place. When Bruno decided to explore, he saw huge barbed wire and all the people on the other side. They were all dressed the same, in the striped pyjamas. Bruno saw many children and he thought he would take the opportunity to make friends with some of them, not knowing exactly what his father was actually doing with them. And as he was exploring, he met a boy, exactly his age named Shmuel. Bruno made very good friends with Shmuel, and from him he learned what Jews were, and about Shmuel's life. He learned that there was no one to play with, that these Jews only worked, and that Shmuel was scared of Bruno's father which he was so proud of. Shmuel became Bruno's best friend and Bruno didn't feel lonely any more. But one day Bruno learned that he was going to go back to Berlin. But just as he got the news, Shmuel wanted him to help him find his father. But he was on the other side of the fence.  That mean that Bruno had to disguise, and he wanted to explore the other side so he wanted to take the opportunity. And he did go with Shmuel on the other side of the fence, only to never come back. 
This is a very sad story and shows the relationship between the good and the bad.

" Fences like this exist all over the world.
We hope you never encounter one." John Boyne

1 comment:

  1. This book is so sad! I have seen the movie and I really want to read the book. Oh its sad but its a great story to read.
